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60 series transfer help

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:31 pm
by Cambo4sho
Hi guys I'm having troubles with my transfer. It's easy to put in to 4x4 and works normal. But it's a massive pain putting back in to 2 high. I end up having to rocket back and forwards and force the crap out of it. Any Ideas would be good thank you

Re: 60 series transfer help

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 10:55 pm
by Hilux_Ryan
Sounds to me like you are trying to pull it out of 4WD while there is still some wind up on the transfer case.

Are you shifting back to 2WD while still on loose surface or when back on sealed surface? different wear tyres front to rear?

There isnt really anything to go wrong internally in the transfer to cause it to be hard to shift out of 4WD apart from maybe a sticky detent. You could check that I guess easily enough, 17mm (I think from memory) bolt on front extension housing next to 4WD indicator light switch, undo it and there will be a spring and ball behind there. and also probably the transfer oil. I doubt that is the problem though.

Re: 60 series transfer help

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 8:56 am
by mkpatrol
Way back when I had a 40 series (basically tha same thing) the label advising you of 4x4 operation said you actually had to drive it backwards if it didnt pop out of 4WD, particularly if you had been driving on hard surfaces.

I even think my MK owners manual said the same.

Re: 60 series transfer help

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 6:22 pm
by Cambo4sho
Ill have a go at some of your ideas. It pops out of 4wd fine. It just won't go in to 2wd.

Re: 60 series transfer help

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 7:20 pm
by Hilux_Ryan
If it is the stick with only three positions, then it is high range you cant get back into (4WD automatically engages in low range) I think they can jusat get a litle stiff in and out of high/low range, even the 70K old V8 troopy I drove today and a couple others in the last couple days have been a little stiff to move between high and low range.