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alternator wiring. HELP!
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:18 pm
by Big Red Toy
hey guys need help asap!
just got a new alternator 4 the patrol and its the wrong one but i made it fit, the old one had an earth lug, battery terminal and a two pin plug.
the new one has the same but an extra terminal marked "P". wiried it all up as per old one and put nothing on this. started car, sweet 14 volts but charge light is on and go to turn off ignition and car keeps running, had to unplug everything to stop the car running! an idea's how to connect it up now???
cheers guys
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:33 pm
by Big Red Toy
all is good

if ound this:
Datsun/Hitachi LR160 Alternator Terminal Function
Craig Borden
Label Function Harness Wire Color
"B"/"BAT" +12V Power white/red
Straight connection the + post of the battery. This wire is a larger gauge than the other connections. This is the wire that the alternator uses to charge the battery. You can run a larger wire to the battery if you don't trust your old factory harness. A bigger wire would probably be better if you go to a high output alternator and the wire was white/red stripe. This is a separate post on the back of the alternator with a plastic/rubber isolator to keep it from grounding to the alternator chassis.
Ground black
Connection to chassis ground. The alternator should have a good ground through the block but this is a safety measure. My car did fine without this connection but I hooked it up anyway. This is a separate post on the back of the alternator and the wire was black (of course).
Voltage Sense yellow
Needs to see the battery voltage so that the alternator knows when to do its thing. This was the top of the "T" connector on the back of my alternator and the wire was yellow.
Charge Lamp white/black
Wired directly to the charge lamp. The other side of the charge lamp goes through the fuse box to a + ignition source. This was the bottom of the "T" connector on the back of my alternator and the wire was white/black stripe.
Tach/Accessory N/A
An extra connection that is an output to tachometers and such on the 280ZX cars. It does not need to be used on earlier Z cars. I bought a '78 alternator replacement from Auto Zone and it had the "P" connector (My core did not). Auto Zone and the other chain stores here sell the same alternator for '78 - '83 Z and ZX.