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zook on LPG
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 1:53 pm
by Badooky
a mate wants to know if anyone is running duek fuel or dedicated gas on a zook.
he has a N/T with a g16a carby motor that needs rebuilding and wants to know if it needs to be done differently to run dedicated gas. He cliams that when properly tuned it will develop more power than petrol plus no carby on angle problems.
thanks in advance
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 2:00 pm
by DeWsE
Yes I think the the seals may have to be different. Also just to tidy the motor up he could use a injected manifold and block the injector holes. He won't need a computor to run it this way.
Don't know about more power but maybe the same amount.
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:42 pm
by -Mick-
It will only make more power if you up the compression. Gas handles higher comps quite well
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 4:34 pm
by Gwagensteve
Gas has higher effective octane than petrol, but if I'm correct, burns at a different rate/temperature. It will handle more compression, and maybe more timing.
However, I also believe that it is not quite as efficient. I was always told that you had either 20% worse perfomance and the same economy or the same performance and 20% worse economy. We ran a 91 rangie on gas for a while, with a high quality conversion and the latter was true for us.
However, most gas systems do not control their fuel as well as a petrol car - they are pretty crude. Additionally, they will vehave a little oddly inother areas off road - in areas like compression braking and key starting etc, gas seems to be inferior.
I have spent some time an a gas converted 4.5 petrol 80 series, and the owners ALWAYS ran them on petrol off road.
IMHO, the cost of doing a really high quality and nicely tuned gas conversion would be higher than fitting EFI to the existing G16A, and results would be inferior.
In addition, there is limited room for a tank in a SWB sierra anyway, so range qwould be pretty poor, and you can hardy carry a jerry of LPG.
Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 1:11 pm
by Drew
Its been done before,if your rebuilding anyway bump up the compression & you need hardened valves & valve seats to run gas.They make odd shape tanks so maybe one made to fit in a spare wheel well would fit & sit higher than your zuk tank.
lgp on zook
Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:35 pm
by toysuzi
Hello to all & badooky
If your running an engine made after 1986
its already got hardend valves & hardend valve seats
so theres no need to replace them.
Cars made after 1986 use unleaderd fuel
hence hardend valve
(no lead in fuel to lube valve assemblys)
lpg gas has wax in its mix to help lube/cool the valves also
Your dizzy will need to be re-graphed to suit lpg fuel (not for dual fuel)
static timing set to 15d BTDC around 600rpm to 750rpm
vacumm advance hose disconnected
with a total (max) advance of 30d BTDC by 3000rpm
Gas runs the engine hotter than petrol
so you will need to fit colder plugs & close the plug cap up
spark plugs for lpg use (not dual)
close spark plug cap 0.2mm & lower heat range by 2
eg 0.8 to 0.9mm petrol specs for sierra
you would close to 0.6 to 0.7mm for straight gas
And also lower heat range by two
eg champion bosch etc RN9YX
you would fit RN7YX
But NGK use there heat range back to front
the higher the number the lower the heat range
From ur tank lpg is a liquad at 101psi its converterd to vapour
at your converter to 1.5psi
Liquad petrolium gas is alot thicker (dence) than petrol vapour
so it doesnt like to flow over 5500 rpm
in naturally aspiraterd engines
OHG & IMPCO would be the better systems to go for
they use a diaphram type mixer (carby)
around 25% to 30% more lpg used than petrol
Even better would be the gas research system
thay use a throttle body type mixer
with a tapperd needle & main jet type mixing system
eg like a needle & piston set up in motor bike carby
better throttle responce & around 15% to 20% more lpg used than petrol set up
But gas research dont make a carby to suit engine under 2.0litres
there smallest carby flows 320cfm
there biggest dual carbys flow 920cfm
cubic feet per minute
Some pic of the GRS systems
Hope that helps badooky
Keep in mind that a new lpg system will cost between
$1400 to $2400 depending on system used + size off tank
it will take around two years to get ur money back from using gas over petrol (half the cost to run around)
Hope that makes sense