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Who owns a Bundera on this site?
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:13 pm
by Bundytime
What is it? LX, hard top, soft top, FRP top......
Petrol 4cyl?? V6??? V8???
What mods have u done?
Do u need to buy any bits???? i have 2.............
Mine is a soft top (now) LX with twin lockers, high mount, 35's, custom suspension and a big block 22R..........
Cheers Daniel
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 9:07 pm
by Aza
i want a bj70 thats sort of a bundy but i dont got a car yet

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 9:12 pm
by Sixty
isnt a 'FRP' a 73series?? Wouldnt that make it a Middie? :wink:
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 9:51 pm
by robbie
just got a bundy the other day
1985 LX Hardtop
'big-block 22R'
Elec Windows / Sunroof
Stock farking standard!
Do you have a working sunroof motor bundytime?
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:03 pm
I bought my Bundy for $5500 in Melbourne and bought it back into Tassie (as they are about $10000-$15000 down here).
It is an 1988 LX with Power steering and Aircon. I have rescently done some stuff to it like:
I spent a week respraying it from a gold colour to a pure white (much better, even shows the mud better!!) (see images below)
Other stuff includes:
2" suspension Lift
Return to Center Steering stabalizer
31" All Terrains (doing hand breakies is helping me wear em down faster so I can get 33's-35's)(yeah i'll grow out of it one day)
Sports air filter (pod type, less resistance)
UHF Radio with 1.2m Whippie
8" Driving lights (Pencil Beam and Spread)
xtended Diff breathers
As for the stereo:
Sony CDX-L570x (52W x 4)
2x Sony Xplod 6.5" Splits (220W)
2x 170W 6.5" Splits (170W)
15" Sony Xplod Sub (stop your friggin heart!!) (1000+W)
These photos show my bundy the week i got it into tassie (note shit colour and not matching pannel colours, and it now (including a bit of wheel travel). A great improvement.
What do you guys reckon? ( i'm getting mudders soon 33's 35's depends on what is going cheap)
Hey Bundytime you know that photo of your old bundy running 35's on you site...It's farken sweet mate!
Look at POS when I got it (large photo)...Look at it now (small photo)What an improvement!!!
Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 11:39 pm
by napsta
hey guys,
i'm ben, from sydney, and i have a red bundy (red goes faster!)
it's got 2 inches in both suspension and body,
35 muddies which fit great. (except for the spare on the rear barn door!)
roll cage (thanx OverKill!)
Big sony system to drown out the tyre noise
its the turbo diesel 2.4 in hardtop LX, altho the powersteering and aircon have been removed when previous owner put a newer engine in :-(
snorkel is arriving in the next couple of days and will go one asap.
2.5 inch exhaust is going on, as i have to move it anyway to stop the tyres rubbing,
looking for a steel winch bar. have an aluminium one forsale if anyone wants it.
pics below
nope, they are too big, cant attach. will resize one soon
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 1:37 pm
by robbie
hey ben
sounds like you got a sweet ride there..
whats it like without power steering?
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 5:05 pm
by Ruggers
I got a BJ73 lx, desiel 4cyl 3b, frp top,
got it stock standard $5000 from a doc hadnt seen the dirt in its life, motor rebuilt 50k's ago and suspenion done 6 months ago,
Its now got
maxxis 33-12.5-15's
15-8 black sunrasia's
steel arb winchbar
9000lb warn winch
uhf and am radio's
still to come cd player and towards the end of the year a rear locker
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:03 pm
Sorry mate but that aint a bundy.... but they are still tuff
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:49 pm
by Sixty
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 11:05 pm
by napsta
just got back from a session in the bundy, AWESOME! love those new tyres...
unfortunately my mate got his landrover swamped in a big mud puddle (which i got thru easy) and filled the whole thing (long wheelbase) up to the seats..
the bundy dragged it out, but it wouldnt start, realised that his fuel tanks were not sealed and had filled with water, hence the carbies were full of crap. had to clean and rebuild carbies and that was the end of the day. have to go back asap.
anyone around sydney keen for some offroading?
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2003 8:10 am
hey ben,
Great to here that your bundy is going hard. Have you noticed much difference in power when driving around on the streets (up hills) and low range work now you have fitted the 35's??
I would love to go wheeling but it is a long drive from tassie to sydney!!
Bundy's R US
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:11 pm
by dumbdunce
I have a charcoal 89 2.4 turbo diesel, 4" suspension lift (80 series/GU coils, 80 series shocks), FR and RR air lockers, 2" body lift, air, steer, stratos seats, cargo barrier (removed rear seats), am & uhf radios, kenwood stereo, snorkel, spots, driving lights, toyota PTO winch on modified ARB winch bar (modified to match body lift and winch), fiberglass flares (good for smashing into rocks), in the middle of an engine upgrade atm so the current 2.4 is for sale - you petrol boys might be interested ;)
how can a 22R be a 'big block'? all 22R's are the same size. ooh and if you have a 22R want to do an EFI conversion I have a 22RE inlet manifold etc lying around - PM me if interested!
this is my third bundera, so I have a few bits and pieces lying around.
cheers Brian
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:16 pm
by Aza
what tyres u running?
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:51 pm
by dumbdunce
have 33x12.5" and 35x12.5" BFG MT's, the 35's are just a bit too hard to turn but make a big difference in approach, departure, and rampover. there's not much it can't do on the 33's though - cranstons, wheelbarrow ridge road, freds. ranger bobs, etc.
saving up for a set of marks or rockhoppers....
do you *want* a bundy to replace the pushy? make me an offer *grins*
Re: Bundy's R US
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:17 pm
by robbie
dumbdunce wrote:how can a 22R be a 'big block'? all 22R's are the same size. ooh and if you have a 22R want to do an EFI conversion I have a 22RE inlet manifold etc lying around - PM me if interested!
its called sarcasm

Dumb,Dunce. Dumb. See Dunce Dumb?
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:59 am
by dumbdunce
ahhhh. sometimes I'm a bit slooooooow. comes from driving a bundy

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:55 am
by robbie

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:23 pm
only cos it is diesel...
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:26 pm
by mlowe76
hey stupid question here..
has anyone got a pic of a bundy with a FRP top??
I didnt know they made one? I'd sure like to see a pic tho
Unfortuntely I dont drive a bundy - but i'm close I drive a MWB cruiser
Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:00 pm
by Bundytime
ill put one up when i get a chance.......
Diesel slow? maybe, but...
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:33 am
by dumbdunce
[quote="BUNDERA"]only cos it is diesel...[/quote]
having owned two petrol bundy's before this diesel one, I can tell you there's not much in it performance wise - in fact with the boost turned up to 10psi, I reckon it's pretty even, up to 100km/h. sure the petrol is a *bit* faster on the highway, but that's about where the benefit ends. the diesel offers outstanding fuel economy (mine weighs in at 2200kg, up to 2600 with 2 people, full gear, full fuel), and delivers between 11 and 14l/100km, (even better if you drive like a girl ;) in just about any terrain, turning 33" tyres. The best the petrol ever delivered was around 13.5l/100km, and in steep or sandy terrain could easily suck down 17+. The diesel has the lowest factory crawl ratio of any landcruiser (48:1). it has a far stronger R151F gearbox. (same as current 100 series NA diesels). the engine has no reliance on electricity - I can plunge into window deep water and never worry about getting the distributor wet. it has actual engine braking for going down steep hills. it has actual torque at low rpm for going up hills slowly. No carby to get gunk in the jets and cause flat spots. no mucking about with replacing spark plugs and leads every 10,000km. sure it's a bit slow, but if the next refuel is 700km away, who's getting there first? ;)
of course, if speed really became an issue, I could high flow the turbo, or put a bigger one on, intercool, up the boost some more, tweak the pump to deliver a little more fuel, simple really.
Brian (I may be slow, but I'm not stupid *grins*)
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:39 am
by robbie
Well, I was actually looking for a diesel bundy, but only found a petrol one..
I heard the diffs are also stronger in the diesel bundies too?
bundy diffs etc
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 10:55 am
by dumbdunce
the later (post 88?) petrol, and all diesels have the stronger rear diff, same size ring and pinion but fatter bearings and hemisphere, same as for V6, turbo, and later model hiluxes. the stronger rear diff hemisphere is identical to 80 series front diffs, except the 80 is of course reverse rotation high pinion.
the main other difference is the gearbox (R151F diesel, G52F petrol), and of course the engine.
diffs in the turbo diesel are 4.875:1, petrol I belive use 4.33:1?
not sure if the petrol bundy transfer uses the 2.28:1 low range like the diesel or the 1.99:1 like the 60/75 series cruisers.
can any of you 22R big block boys confirm?
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 3:44 pm
Petrol Bundy Rear Diff has a ratio of 4.5.
As for the xfer case I would have a clue
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:27 pm
by robbie
aye nick
I was under the impression it was 4.33, where did you find out it was 4.5?
bundy diffs
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:48 pm
by dumbdunce
one of you petrol bundy boys look up the diff code on your firewall plate I will look it up
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:50 pm
by robbie
I will try and find it mate.. get on IRC in the mean time

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:53 pm
by robbie
axle: g285
trans: g52 (i know this isn't needed, but what the heck

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:59 pm
I ripped out my rear diff the other week.
Remember it was a lsd with a 4.5 ratio.
Bundytime and ruff know for sure.
i will find out the diff code of mine tonight.
hey dumbdunce you have mail....
Send us the pics and info (year kms ect)