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fuel economy
Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 12:35 am
by dinos4x4
hey dudes you blokes that have pajs with 33s what sort off fuel economy do you get around town .
i am getting on average 17-18 L\100km i just wondering if i should get my injectors serviced.
Re: fuel economy
Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2003 1:21 am
by DougH
With my head gasket blown I was getting around 12-13... with 33's. But my 02 sensor was kaput... and I am on the go pedal to much.
I will let you know what it turns out to be, with clean injectors, new rebuild, and higher compression.
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2003 7:31 pm
by pajpwr
You are compensating for the fact the larger tyres will cause the odometer to under-read?
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2003 4:30 pm
by Bitsamissin
I don't take much notice anymore, but get at least 500k's out of a tank before the low petrol light comes on....................
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 1:51 pm
by redrocket
Never ever worked it out. Put $40 a week in and thats it. Fill up when light comes on. I on go pedal too much as well. Speedo doesn't even work either at the moment. Been broken for 4 weeks now.
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 5:51 pm
by Tropijero
Lets face it if you are really worried about fuel economy go and buy a Daewoo 'Lunchboxo' with a teeny tiny engine, room for a newspaper and a very small child and performance that would put a nun to sleep.
I figure that if I want the 4wd and power that I have then there have to be sacrifices. Of course I could go and buy a new diesel but for the $30,000+ I would have to spend, I could buy a lot of petrol.
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 9:24 am
by MrGenius
15L/100 I used to get with the 33's, the best part being a hell of a lot lower revs on freeway

so u can go faster before it starts revin its date out

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:03 pm
by redrocket
i do about 2900rpm at 100km/hr with 33's at 38psi.
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 7:49 am
by ChrisGibbs
Hey Guys,
I own a Pajero 1990 2.6L 4Cyl and when i bought it, it was chewing through the juice. It still is, but i have come to expect that. I run at about 16L to the 100km. Which means i get 570km out of my 91L tank.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 2:34 pm
by DougH
There is something about a reed valve going bad on the 2.6... do a search on the 4x4wire... there is a fix. It is suposed to cause bad power... and really chity miles per gallon.
Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2003 10:43 pm
by dinos4x4
got my injectors serviced last friday, had to remove them from the engine and a bloke came to my house and serviced them for me .
he cleaned them in a ultrasonic bath and then flow tested and checked the spray patten.
he gave me some carbon clean liquid to clean out my throttle body should have seen the amount off crap that came out off it .
any way the motor is running a lot smoother and idling better , i will soon see if it has improved my fuel economy.
has any one tried out these so called fuel saving devices , personaly i think they are a load of crap, there was a special on a current affairs the other night .
the devices they talked about were fuelstar and fitch, they would want to save a shit load of fuel for how much they cost.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:58 am
by DougH
No such things as a fuel saving device... they are all total bullcrap.
Hyclone... tornado... bullcrap. If you could have a 2 dollar piece of sheet metal give 2 or 3 more mpg... it would already come stock.
Fuel atomizer, magnetic reconfigulator..... bullcrap. It doesnt mater how you change your gas... you will still consume what the injectors push in to be burnt. They dont know you got scammed out of your money... so they operate in the same way. You wallet will be lighter... there is on more mpg.
Fuel tablets... there is a genious idea... if I stick a 80 dollar hunk of crap in my gas tank I will get better gas mileage. No... but you will save cash... no you can fill your tank less... by the volume of the product. Saving per tank... .o1 cents. AU
HAHA :evil:
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 1:22 am
by dinos4x4
all the motor companies spend millions of dollars in research to improve cars fuel economy, especially now when fuel prices are going up .
you get these cowboys that make a fancy bit off tin that looks like something made out off a coke can to whack on your carbie or thottlebody and this bit of crap is suppose to save fuel ha ha ha
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 7:07 am
by DougH
LOL. No kiding.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 8:24 am
by Bitsamissin
If you remove and look inside the air expansion box (just before the air filter box) you will see a Hiclone type device in there (Gen 2 3.0 V6). It is part of the factory plastic molding and looks like it swirls the intake air just prior to entering the air filter box. Interesting eh.............................
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:19 am
by DougH
Bitsamissin wrote:If you remove and look inside the air expansion box (just before the air filter box) you will see a Hiclone type device in there (Gen 2 3.0 V6). It is part of the factory plastic molding and looks like it swirls the intake air just prior to entering the air filter box. Interesting eh.............................
I think your mistaken frank... lol. I never noticed anything hyclone like when I took my intake off for the snorkel. Anyways... any spin that you got from there... would be stopped by your filter.
There is a cool cold air intake built into the design. When looking at the front of the radiator... on the left there is a duct... oval in shape. It runs from infront of the radiator... and stops right infront of the intake catch can... whaaalaa... cold air intake. Stock.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 9:42 am
by Tropijero
I did put a HiClone in my old 2H Landcruiser diesel and strangely enough it did help (seat of the pants feeling) with the way it pulled out of corners while driving up steep sections of the Gillies Range here. One particular section of range has a sharp corner into a steep rise and the Cruiser did pull better after I installed the device, even my missus commented on it. The old 2H Cruisers were pretty agricultural so the HiClone may well have helped in the intake. I am not saying that it would work in all situations but for me in this instance it did.
As to fuel economy I don't think it made a lot of difference.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 12:29 pm
by Bitsamissin
No I'm not mistaken Dougie.
Yes there is the ducting from behind the headlight/grill that leads to a expansion chamber. Inside this chamber is a plastic fan looking thing (you have to unbolt it and look inside to see it) this seems to swirl the air before it enters the air filter box. Yes I agree that any swirl will be negated by the air filter. But it's definitely there as I removed the expansion chamber/ducting the other day to replace the headlight globe and wondered why Mitsu would design it like that ??
I also see our friend is at it again

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 2:28 pm
by DougH
Maybe it is some crazy Aussie thing... my expanation chamber (I call it my catch can) has no swirl... it is just the chamber... empty.
I took mine off to install the snorkel... but I will have a look at it later tomorrow.
As for the other thing... fawk em... its like a poison letting them get to you. The more you care the more it will wear on you... trust me.
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:19 pm
by dinos4x4
the fan thing that frank is talking about might be like a water trap incase you cop a mouth full because thier is a rubber valve like think in the air expansion box.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 8:28 am
by Tropijero
I wonder if it is there to make the air swirl thus throwing the heavier particles out to the side (via centrifugal action) and letting cleaner air hit the filter element, in much the same way as the good old Donaldson pre-cleaners do.
Of course this might not be it , but hey it's a theory.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 11:10 am
by ChrisGibbs
maybe if you remove the engine then try running it like that you will save a few $$$'s
I have learnt to live with it, after all it is also my entertainment and how can you put a price on that???