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Bought a new comp buggy.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 5:33 pm
by Strange Rover

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 5:50 pm
by hottiemonster
very nice, how long will it take to come to Australia / when will you get it?

or are u jusr shitting everyone?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:03 pm
by Strange Rover
hottiemonster wrote:very nice, how long will it take to come to Australia / when will you get it?

or are u jusr shitting everyone?

Very long, very soon.



Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:07 pm
by patrolman
very nice :armsup: :armsup: :D and alot of $$$$ too

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:09 pm
fair dinkum mate, you buy that :armsup: :armsup:

does it come fully equiped with drivers thongs and stubbies aussie style?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:12 pm
by Strange Rover
patrolman wrote:very nice :armsup: :armsup: :D and alot of $$$$ too

Yea - it is and it isnt. Basically just got to sell the mog and the lockless and Ive got it covered. Any takers?? Couldnt build anything like this for anything near that kind of money - not even in the US. Just as an example to build the axles that its got from new components in the US is $11000US.


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:13 pm
by Strange Rover
NICK wrote:fair dinkum mate, you buy that :armsup: :armsup:

does it come fully equiped with drivers thongs and stubbies aussie style?

Yep - first event in exactly one months time.


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:17 pm
by hotrod4x4
looks like a good rig

whats the wheelbase?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:22 pm
by Strange Rover
hotrod4x4 wrote:looks like a good rig

whats the wheelbase?

Can you believe I actually dont know for sure - I think the guy said it was 103in but that was a few early mornings ago and I didnt write it down. But basically the wheelbase isnt anything out of the norm.


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:36 pm
by XXXL80
very very nice..

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:44 pm
Very cool buggy Sam - and great value for money.

Are you keeping it in the US to compete or shipping it to Oz???

How are you going to manage driving on the wrong side of the buggy :D

And what are you doing with your 35 spline sals/D60's now?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:45 pm
by mud4b
that almost looks as good as your old buggy...

congrats dude :D

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:55 pm
by Strange Rover
ISUZUROVER wrote:Very cool buggy Sam - and great value for money.

Are you keeping it in the US to compete or shipping it to Oz???

How are you going to manage driving on the wrong side of the buggy :D

And what are you doing with your 35 spline sals/D60's now?

Will leave it in the US. Got the guy that runs Calrocs to look after it and take it to and from the Calrocs events (in return he is going to use it as a promotional vehicle).

Will probably get it comverted to right hand drive but not until after this first event - only for the reason of being different to everybody else, basically just to be instantly reconised as being Australian.

The D60s will be for my next rig that I will build here. The competitions hotting up here and I think Im going to need them - who knows I might even temporarily throw them under my County to enter tuff truck :lol:


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:59 pm
by Strange Rover
mud4b wrote:that almost looks as good as your old buggy...

congrats dude :D

Yea - allmost. Except that its got twice the power and axles that you carnt break. The guy said that he absolutly floggs the arse out of it and it doesent break. Only thing hes broken was a front cromo outer stub shaft and that was in a comp with the tyres full of water.

Basically the spec of the front axle is the same as what some of the US guys are running in their rear steer setups - cromo axles and CTMs. The only better setup is to run 300m axles.


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:12 pm
Strange Rover wrote:
Will leave it in the US. Got the guy that runs Calrocs to look after it and take it to and from the Calrocs events (in return he is going to use it as a promotional vehicle).

Will probably get it comverted to right hand drive but not until after this first event - only for the reason of being different to everybody else, basically just to be instantly reconised as being Australian.

The D60s will be for my next rig that I will build here. The competitions hotting up here and I think Im going to need them - who knows I might even temporarily throw them under my County to enter tuff truck :lol:


So what are the dates of the US comps you are entering? I will come and watch if I am in the US at the same time.

I would definitely buy a couple of mags and vote for you if you entered the county in Tuff Truck. What about getting the mogrover engineered on smaller wheels though?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:35 pm
by MissDrew
Now that is cool.

So how long are you going to leave it over there for and how many times are you going to go over before it comes out here?

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 7:40 pm
by POS
I call B/S............................

 won't sell the lockless or the mogrover! :D :D :D

Good call though i like it! It certainly has some good gear in it!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:12 pm
by Strange Rover
Strange Rover wrote:
Will leave it in the US. Got the guy that runs Calrocs to look after it and take it to and from the Calrocs events (in return he is going to use it as a promotional vehicle).

Will probably get it comverted to right hand drive but not until after this first event - only for the reason of being different to everybody else, basically just to be instantly reconised as being Australian.

The D60s will be for my next rig that I will build here. The competitions hotting up here and I think Im going to need them - who knows I might even temporarily throw them under my County to enter tuff truck :lol:


So what are the dates of the US comps you are entering? I will come and watch if I am in the US at the same time.

I would definitely buy a couple of mags and vote for you if you entered the county in Tuff Truck. What about getting the mogrover engineered on smaller wheels though?

1st one is the 3rd Oct (ie one months time) Hopefully Mick (bobtail - the guy who one the last XRCC in the mog) or Nick will fly over with me to spot.

Dont know the dates for next year but I will probably do the 4 Calrocks comps plus their finals although I could another 4 if I wanted to. The rig can be taken to all the Calrocs comps (all 9 of them) cause the guy that runs these events (Rich Klein) is looking after the rig for me.

I could almost do Supercrawl (on about 17th Oct) this year. I think i could get an invite to enter but then I wouldnt be here for my daughters 1st birthday so I probably wont bother. Would absolutely get my arse caned at that event anyway although this year its a stadium man made course so it will be interesting to see how it pans out.

Will probably get totally spanked at Calrocks anyway. Going to be a big step up from wht we are doing here. I think its going to be just a matter of having fon and surviving.

Mogrover is probably engineered enough to get in ATM - maybe. I probably could getthe axles engineered (basically only thing left) with some really low profile 20in wheels. With the stock 20in wheels on it its track is about 4in wider than a stock defender. Ive actually almost got the Mog sold. Just got to fix a few things up on it and this guy should buy it (I hope).


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:26 pm
by Strange Rover
Guts wrote:Now that is cool.

So how long are you going to leave it over there for and how many times are you going to go over before it comes out here?

Probably wont bring it out here. I guess it depnds on how the season pans out next year. The rig was built in 2003 and it was half competitive this year. The motor its got is probably a bit too heavy (cast iron 350 chev v8 - good for 300+ HP). Most guys are running either alloy V8s (like a LS1) or cast V6s (lighter and weight further back cause the motor is shorter) or highly tuned 4cylinder motors (turbos and stuff). Most of the top competitors that run a front engine also have rear steer (which this rig doesent have) OR they are running rear engined tube buggies without rear steer. So basically this rig is a little bit behind the spec even in this years season so it may be way off next year. Depends on what everybody builds. But im not competing in the top competition series (UROC) although most of the top guys that run UROC also compete in Calrocs but the thing is that the Calrocs events also has alot of lower performing rigs so the comp tends to be a bit easier so basically my plan is to just survive and learn heaps.

If the rig is totally out dated next year I might bring it back to OZ but i probably wont - I would just sell it. With the axles im building up at the moment Im prbably going to build somehting thats comparable anyway (although it wont have an Atlas transfer but the rover ones can do everything an Atlas can do plus more and the strength of the rover case doesent seem to be a problem ATM)


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:35 pm
by MissDrew
I`m jealous, bitch :finger:

I struggle finding enough money to do what I want to do to my lux and a few comps a year.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:36 pm
by hypo
Nice Sam................. good luck with the comps

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:37 pm
by MissDrew
Even if you came last in every comp it would still be werth it just for the fun factor and the amount you`d learn.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:25 pm
by Strange Rover
Guts wrote:Even if you came last in every comp it would still be werth it just for the fun factor and the amount you`d learn.

That is for sure although it would be good if I was at least half competitive.

I think the most difficult thing will be the rollovers. Basicslly when I go over in less than a month I am absolutely guaranteed to get rolled. Probably this entire competition will be harder than the hardest lines that we had at PUOSU. In these competitions just about everybody rolls - event the top guys. In one event they had this year Tracy Jordan (the guy who is leading the UROC overall - absolute ledgend driver) rolled three times during the event and still managed to place 9th. The lines that they force you to take will guarantee that you will have to save a rollover - many times. We havnt seen this sort of competition in Aust yet.

Going to be a big step up.


Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:31 pm
by Thor
Nice purchase Sam. :cool:
Wish you the best of luck for the up-coming competitions!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:36 pm
by bigsteve
Sweet buggy,

Good on you for flying the aussie flag @ UROC

(I hope this doesn't start a flag debate)

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:52 pm
Strange Rover wrote:1st one is the 3rd Oct (ie one months time) Hopefully Mick (bobtail - the guy who one the last XRCC in the mog) or Nick will fly over with me to spot.

Dont know the dates for next year but I will probably do the 4 Calrocks comps plus their finals although I could another 4 if I wanted to. The rig can be taken to all the Calrocs comps (all 9 of them) cause the guy that runs these events (Rich Klein) is looking after the rig for me.


I will be in the US in April and May next year, so if you are competing in one of the CalROCS events during that time I will definitely come and watch. I am also happy to help out if I can.

Good luck.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:48 pm
by landy_man
you want to hire a photographer for the comps :cry: :cry:

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 8:14 am
by Strange Rover
landy_man wrote:you want to hire a photographer for the comps :cry: :cry:

Tell you what - Ill shout every round once we land in the US. :D


Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 4:45 pm
by spazbot
how much for the mog rover

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 5:01 pm
by redzook
nice buy hope ya do us aussies proud :D