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Ford puts LandRover on Notice !
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:06 pm
by daddylonglegs
Heard on ABC radio news this morning that the Ford Motor Corp has given the management of LandRover Solihul 1 week to present a satisfactory plan to substantially increase vehicle quality, reliability and plant productivity. Ford are extremely disappointed with their purchase of LandRover and have threatened to either close down the whole plant or move production offshore to probably South America.
LandRover recently was voted ''Worst car ever'' in a US survey on reliability and owner satisfaction. This makes a mockery of last years BBC telivisions poll that voted LandRover as the best car ever.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:12 pm
I thought this sort of thing had been going on for a while...
Didn't BMW do a similar thing???
And I think the "worst car ever" in the US was a reliability/satisfaction survey of new vehicle owners in the US. It was the Discovery that got the lowest score out of all US new cars.
There was also a class action in the US (they love their lawsuits) of Disco owners against Land Rover for electrolytic corrosion between the steel and aluminium panels.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:30 pm
by daddylonglegs
Yes Ben ,Bmw did make similar threats, but they owned the whole Austin Rover Group then with a substantially larger workforce and the retrenchment entitlement payouts would have sent BMW to the wall.
LandRover Solihull only employ 8000 workers so the payout figure is a drop in a bucket compared to the amount of money Ford is losing by keeping LandRover going in the UK.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:33 pm
Yes, with the (still) ridiculously overinflated value of the pound I cannot understand how any manufacturing like that is viable in the UK.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:35 pm
by stuee
I've got LRO's that date back over a year telling of the ford - landrover trouble. Apparently a few models had been moved from landrover manafacturing plants to fords ones due to poor build quality. I don't see why ford are only having a fit now when the whole landrover lineup are getting replaced by all new models in the next few years. Either way landrovers been in the poop ever since the japs started getting in on the scene (GQ and 80 Series).
Same thing is gonna happen to the yanks over the next few years with mainstream cars. Won't be long till Toyota becomes the biggest car company in the world. The japs are just so much better at building cars and the european manafactures are priced over the japs. If you ask me its all due to their culture and work ethics.
Once the new linup has come through I fear the real landrovers will be dead and we'll be left with our old rangies, discos, defenders and series 4x4's to tackle the real offroad tracks.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:36 pm
Found a BBC news link
Mark Fields, president of Premier Automotive Group (PAG), gave factory staff eight weeks to work out a plan, a spokeswoman told BBC News Online.
Investment in the Solihull factory could be cut if they fail to do so and eventually it might close, she said.
But Mr Fields would back a viable productivity plan, she stressed.
Local industry experts compared the ultimatum with BMW's warning about Rover's future six years ago, ahead of the German car maker's sale of Land Rover to Ford and of Rover to the Phoenix consortium for £10.
Gordon Brown
Chancellor of the Exchequer
The workers were told that they must "improve the quality of the vehicles and create better working practices at the plant," the spokeswoman said, insisting that the efficiency improvements called for would not lead to job cuts.
"We have had quite a lot of problems over the last couple of years with disputes at the plant," she said.
Mr Fields had told workers that they "must accept changes within the plant", she said.
Produce elsewhere
Land Rover must become as competitive as Jaguar within three years and as competitive as other car makers within five years, another spokeswoman told BBC News Online.
"[Mr Fields] gave them the collective challenge of having management and unions to draw up a plan over the next eight weeks to put together a jointly agreed roadmap," she said.
"In eight weeks time, Mr Fields will come back to see how things have developed."
If the Land Rover management and unions fail to deliver, Ford might shift the production of Land Rover's Defender, Discovery and Land Rover models elsewhere, the first spokeswoman said.
"Ford has over 140 factories worldwide," she said.
It has already been decided that the production of Land Rover's Freelander model will be moved to Ford's Jaguar factory in Halewood, Liverpool, in 2006.
Land Rover is a subsidiary of Ford and part of the US car maker's PAG, or Premier Automotive Group, which also includes Volvo, Jaguar and Aston Martin.
Job creation
Thursday's morning meeting between unions and the management in Solihull coincided with the public display of the new Discovery 3 TDV6 at the motorshow in Birmingham.
The show, which opened for the public on Thursday morning, was visited by the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown just two days earlier.
During his visit, Mr Brown praised the motor industry for its ability to create jobs in the UK and to attract investment from foreign companies.
"The motor industry has won for Britain huge amounts of inward investment with some of the world's leading manufacturers choosing to locate new plants in the UK," he said.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:02 pm
by daddylonglegs
Ben, That BBC link was dated 27 th May. The ABC news segment this morning said that Ford had rejected LandRover managements plan and gave them till next Wednesday to come up with a revised plan that is agreeable to Ford.
The quality of LandRovers in the last decade or so have been very poor and something like this has been long overdue to shake the management and staff out of their ''couldn't give a stuff'' attitude. I hope it is not too late, but I will not be joining the protesters if LandRover does go belly up.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:11 pm
Interesting... didn't check the date (sounds like they ended up giving them more than 8 weeks though).
I wouldn't have a big problem if LR production were moved offshore - I think the South African 90's were probably as good or better than the other ones. But unfortunately, whatever happens, I don't think we will ever go back to the days of solid capable off-road vehicles being produced with a LR badge.
Now if Ford would switch production to the same factory as the F-trucks, and put D60's in front and rear and nice big turbo diesels then that would be something else.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:13 pm
Here is the latest that you heard Bill. ... 621552.stm
Management and unions at the only Land Rover factory in the country have been given another week to come up with a plan to secure its future.
Ford, which owns it, had given them eight weeks to work out ways of improving productivity at Solihull.
A Land Rover spokeswoman says a senior Ford of Europe executive is "not completely satisfied" with their plan.
She dismissed reports claiming all Land Rover production could be moved to other plants within 30 days.
Mark Fields, president of Ford's Premier Automotive Group (PAG), had earlier told the factory's 8,000 staff that they might lose their jobs unless they could improve efficiency.
The Land Rover spokeswoman told BBC News Online: "A meeting was held at the end of eight weeks between Mark Fields, local management and trade unions regarding the road map at the Solihull plant.
"He's not completely satisfied but feels good progress has been made.
"He's given them another week to come up with a satisfactory road map and a meeting will be held next Wednesday, 8 September."
PAG includes Volvo, Jaguar and Aston Martin as well as Land Rover.
Freelander moved
Speaking from the US, a former vice president of Ford of Europe, Karl Ludvigsen, said the situation was "extremely serious".
He added: "Ford has an opportunity to make use of unused capacity at Jaguar plants.
"They have the ability, should they wish to do so, to move production to those factories, particularly Halewood."
It has already been decided that the production of Land Rover's Freelander model will be moved to Halewood, Merseyside, in 2006.
Land Rover's headquarters is based at Gaydon, Warwickshire, but its only manufacturing site is at Solihull.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:18 pm
Some more interesting reading
Ford's premier automotive group, which consists of Land Rover, Jaguar, Volvo and Aston Martin, made a loss of $362m (£201m) during the second-quarter of this year.
Only Volvo managed to make it into the black.
While each company's situation is slightly different, Land Rover's main problem is that it has developed a reputation as a poorer quality product when compared to rivals, said company spokesman Don Hume.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:23 pm
Looks like Ford has other problems elsewhere also - who wouldn't expect to be injured when your car rolls 4 1/2 times!!!
Ford faces $369m damages payout
Ford Explorer
Five million Ford Explorers have been sold since its launch in 1990
The Ford Motor Company has been ordered to pay nearly $369m in damages to a woman paralysed from the waist down after her Ford Explorer rolled over
The trial heard that Mrs Buell-Wilson, a 49-year-old mother of two, lost control of her 1997 Explorer as she swerved to avoid a metal object in the road east of San Diego.
The roof collapsed on her neck as the vehicle rolled four-and-a-half times.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:46 pm
by stuee
Its stupid litigation cases like this that send companies belly up (not ford in this case cause thats not huge for them) but really whats a woman paralysed from the waist down going to do with $369 million. Whats anyone going to do with that much money. Its stupid

. Only in America.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 10:49 pm
by daddylonglegs
I don't know how any company can sell vehicles in the US these days without fear of being sued for hundreds of millions after accidents that are not really the manufacturers fault. Having recently picked up the remains of 2 rolled Defenders, I don't understand how any country allows them to be sold without a full roll cage, they are so weak.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:06 pm
by stuee
sorry for hijac
hey daddylonglegs where'd you pick up you wrecked defenders from? I've been going to a few of the wrecked vehicle autions in Perth and I've hardly seen any wrecked rovers around.
Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:17 pm
by mabsydney
Just another reason to ditch land rover if you ask me.
Land Rover...."a glorious past and no future" (some may say the same of England!)
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 12:00 am
by daddylonglegs
Stu, I picked them up literally,bits and pieces loaded on to a car trailer. I wouldn't buy them. Hell I wouldn't have one as a gift!
I was just helping a friend transport them from Melbourne for shipment to New Zealand. One was local, the other came from Sth Aus I think.
Mabsydney, I dont think LandRovers past was all that glorious . Almost Every single model had numerous silly design faults and weaknesses, but I had high hopes for LandRover after the 4 speed 110 was released. I thought that finally they were getting somewhere. But those hopes were dashed with the introduction of each subsequent model.They may look the same to some, but If you know LandRovers intimately, you can see many areas beneath the surface where it is obvious the bean counters have got at the the vehicle and bastardised it to an unbelievable degree. This really angers me. LandRover have had a free ride for nearly 2 decades with tons of free publicity from all those enthusiast magazines [LandRover International. LandRover World, LandRover Enthusiast, etc) and they couldn't give a stuff about their enthusiast base. they let us all down by continuing to produce substandard crap year after year. Everytime a new model is released the management says, yes we are aware that there have occasionally been concerns with quality control, but we have addressed these areas and are confident that our products are of the highest standards. then the new model turns outto be even shoddier built than the last model.
Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2004 3:52 am
by lowbox
Hmm, looks like they are still trying to compete:
- with old designs
- with a high cost british pound based manufacturing base
- with a workforce that acts like British Leyland
- and a brand that used to mean "off-road" (series, defender) but now means luxury shopping trolley (freelander, rangie etc)
I say send the manufacturing overseas or to the excess capacity at the Jag plants, we'll get cheaper, better landies.... and I'd like a proper "off-road" design in the range, have enough shoping trolleys already!