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2" Body Lift for Jimny (2001)
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:28 am
Ok as topic suggests
This is what is needed, and any info / price approximation etc
Squik I know your out there somewhere its true you currently have a 2" BL yes or no
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:24 pm
by Pastor
Hi AnthonyP,
On my Jimny I made a 60mm body lift. It worked without extending the brake lines. We just cuted the inner side of the left flare where the brake line comes down to the axle and that's it.
The steering shaft had to be extended for about 20 mm.
We also used a modified OME suspension kit. It is a mixture of the Jimny and Vitara kit. So we gained about 50 mm of suspension lift. With the 30" tyres we reached the maximum of what is possible in Austria (complete lift must not be more than 20 cm).
Question to those who already made a bode lift:
How did you do it?
We completetly lifted the car body for about 40 cm away from the frame, disconnected ALL wires, cables, lines, ... to fit the 8 alloy spacers. So we had nothing to cut or drill from the car body. This job took about 25 hours! There is a good picture at
JimnyHeaven where you can see what I tried to explain.
My Jimny seems to be an Austrian premiere because nobody ever did this to a Jimny in Austria before
This weekend was an offroad exhibition called
Allradmesse where my Jimny has been presented. The funny thing is that Suzuki has also been there presenting the diesel version of Jimny and they tried to explain that it is absolutely impossible to modify the Jimnys

Lots of people saw my Jimny and mentioned that this is the right way of moding it
Kind regards
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 7:51 pm
by RB zook
squike has 3 inch body lift from snake racin
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 8:01 pm
by trialjimny
i did a 1,5" bl, i used nylon spacers and took me almost 12 ours to do the job
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 10:57 pm
by Muzz110
My brother a I did ours a couple of years ago and from what I remember it was pretty simple, Ours was 2" and was achieved by extending the studs which go from the body to the chassis by making some tube with the inside tapped to match the stud and then locktighted them on, slid on a lift block then bolted it through from the chassis.
Steering shaft needs to be extended a little and we just unclipped the brakelines out of the guards and that gave enough slack for a 4" suspension lift as well.
The fuel filler hose was just long enough and we had to trim a bit of the floor behind the transfer stick otherwise it wasn't fully in low range and could jump out sometimes.
The bumpers mount mainly to the body but also have brackets which hold it to the chassis at the bottom the rear wasn't too flimsy without them but on the front you need to either cut holes for the bottom corners of your chassis rails to polk through that black centre piece or leave it off but (but then it's pretty flimsy)
We did the both of them easily in a day, (worked separately for the easy stuff and together for the harder stuff) so could be done in a few hours if your all prepared and have some help and we did it for about $400 for the 2 cars including blocks and high tencile bolts, the threaded tubes I had made up at work so got for free.
Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:45 pm
by Gutless
Can you cut the studs in the floorback slightly, and screw a treaded block onto the remaining stud, and then screw a high tensile bolt up through the body mount and into the lift block? Is the tread M10x 1.25? If so, I have a kit that will fit jimnys ready to go. The kit would then be identicle to a sierra kit. (not including bumper mounts and steering spacers etc.)
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 2:22 am
by Squik
Sorry...been slacking around doing other stuff
Yep, got the 3" body lift from Snake.....but it involved moving a lot of stuff around, down and extending things (brake lines, battery cables, fuel filler hoses, earth wires, reversing fuse boxes, using a steering extender etc etc etc)
Snake may even have the 2" now.... good thing is that they sell the *whole* kit, so you aren't trying to get bits at 4.30 on a Saturday arvo

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:06 am
by Damo
Squik wrote: so you aren't trying to get bits at 4.30 on a Saturday arvo

But that's the most fun bit!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:07 am
by Muzz110
Gutless wrote:Can you cut the studs in the floorback slightly, and screw a treaded block onto the remaining stud, and then screw a high tensile bolt up through the body mount and into the lift block? Is the tread M10x 1.25? If so, I have a kit that will fit jimnys ready to go. The kit would then be identicle to a sierra kit. (not including bumper mounts and steering spacers etc.)
From memory that thread size sounds familliar but I think there were 6 that size and 2 slightly larger. Good idea threading the blocks. Could probably drill and tap the 2 larger ones easy enough.
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:10 am
by Squik
From memory that is the thread - we had to get a length of and make up our own bolts for the front two - the other 6 were standard
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:50 pm
by Gutless
Cool. Who has a jimny, and wants to be a gineapig?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 3:22 pm
by Utemad
Hi Suzuki people,
I've got a mate with a Jimny (think it is 1999) and has 225/70 16 BFG KO tyres on it. He has a 50mm spring lift but the tyres rub on full articulation. Nothing serious but he has burnt through some plastic. Anyone know if a 1in bodylift would be enough for these tyres with his current 50mm spring lift? I reckon it would.
From reading this it sounds like a 1in lift would require nothing more than the body blocks. Plus front and rear bumper adjustments.
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:30 pm
by 85zook
1 Inch isnt worth doing. Go the 2"
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:36 pm
by Beastmavster
1" is worth doing. 1" is 1" worth of worth doing.
If you're only having minor rubbing issues go for 1"...... usually requires few mods for a body lift that small.
When I went from 1" ot 1 1/2" on the vitara it made for a lot more mods.
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:37 pm
by Beastmavster
Antt found the 1" was enough to clear his 30" rubber and now that 1" lift is with Gonzo.
Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:09 pm
by Utemad
Beastmavster wrote:Antt found the 1" was enough to clear his 30" rubber and now that 1" lift is with Gonzo.
I thought it would be enough. It is only slight rubbing. The less work the better I reckon It already looks tippy enough.
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 1:32 am
by Squik
Beastmavster wrote:1" is worth doing. 1" is 1" worth of worth doing.
If you're only having minor rubbing issues go for 1"...... usually requires few mods for a body lift that small.
When I went from 1" ot 1 1/2" on the vitara it made for a lot more mods.
....<switch on evil little voice>......cut the guards out, I did.....grab a hacksaw and chew out the plastic bits, get a hammer and bash back the metal bits.......BWAHH HAHHH's half the fun.......<switch off evil little voice>
Go to my site in the tech talk on the forum, its all there