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Frontera Diff breathers

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:11 pm
by gregp
Hi guys, after my nautical adventures yesterday up at Mt.Walker, I have decided its about time to fit some extended breather hoses to my diffs. Back diff, easy to find and bloody short, the front bloody hard to find. Question is, does the front diff even have one?? This place is my regular haunt and has a few river crossings, so it is something I should look at putting on the Frontera....and maybe a snorkel too ;-)

Greg P.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:27 pm
No snorkel available, (SUX)
Some have been tring to adapt a Rodeo one but I havn't seen it done yet..

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 8:47 pm
by gregp
I have noticed that no Snorks avalible, and I really thought the Rodeo ones would have matched, ahh well I can wait...maybe :)
Greg P.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2003 9:56 pm
by Westoztroopa
I want to do extended diff breathers on mine also. The front diff breather on mine is located on the fixed axle shaft that comes out of the passenger side of the diff. I imagine Frontera front diffs should be similar.
Roothie did a DIY diff breather extension write-up in one of the recent 4wd Monthly mags...


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 8:20 am
by gregp
I noticed a pipe coming out of the centre of the axle housing, then into a steel tube, after that I am unsure wher it goes to. I would imagine this is the breather pipe for the front diff. (goes left to passenger side as you mentioned Noel)
The 4WD Monthly write up also inspired me to get off my butt and start fitting them to mine.
Greg P.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:03 pm
The guys at Safari are supposedly looking at getting a mould off a snorkel from over here to fit a MU, which should just be a 3dr model of the Frontera.
Will try to find out more info.


Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:07 pm
by CJ Burns Esq
My investigations at the front of the FtrUCk have led me to the conclusion that the front is fine as standard and the reae only needs a bit of hose to reach up to the interioir of the Jack housing in the rear of the Frontera. drill a hole under the vehicle into the jack housing. Remove old hose from diff, replace with new longer hose, cable tie following suitable route to hole and poke it through the hole. This is the bit where you need three hands and eyes on stalks or a wife/ girlfreind and patience. Feed the pipe into the hole and fish it out and pull a bit of length in. Remove the one way valve of the redundant pipe and stick it in the new pipe and you're done. drill hole at own risk, but it is a no brainer.
There may be some pix left on the Ozzuzu site or at the Yahoo ozzuzu group site.

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2003 10:58 am
by scottMIB
The snorkel issue is still up in the air, Dave Pirrie has the Rodeo snorkel and was supposedly doing a trial fit on the weekend, when I had it it seemed to fit OK, needed a new mount made for the roof though and the windscreen angle was slightly different. Safari did say they would manufacture them for us if we: 1. Supplied them a car to cut up and make a mould from (no one in Melb was willing) and 2. ordered a shit load of them or could 'guarantee' sales greater than that, Brad and I investigated it and selling them to the US but didn't get enough firm orders to instigate the process.

Diff breathers Brad did when he had his Frontera, there is a file about it at the Ozzuzu Yahoo site.