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Lights on bar/roof, 35s and lowering a lifted car - Victoria
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 12:56 pm
by bogged
A quick call to Kev Williams the Vicroads engineer.
1) Dropping from 6-4in lift.
Since I lowered my car from 6in to 4in technically it should be re-engineered, but he worry if you get hassled. My arguement is that its closer to stock, so should not be an issue, i thougth it would be engineered UPTO 6inch, and all points inbetween.
2) Getting Engineers for upgrading to 35's
"now almost impossible". His words, and he stopped there, wasnt interested in discussing it..
3) Spotties on bullbar/roof
There are 2 rules on this.
a) Object (light, ariels etc) Can not block the vision of the driver in normal seated position for an object 3mtrs infront of car. What that object is he couldnt tell me. This is known as the Angle of Visibility Requirement.
BUT there is a more dominant rule now.
b) Spotlights CANNOT be higher than OEM headlights in vehicle.
Now, that can be dodgey with some of the OEM headlights not exactly being high up if you have a bullbar...
Re: Lights on bar/roof, 35s and lowering a lifted car - Vict
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:02 pm
by turps
bogged wrote:
b) Spotlights CANNOT be higher than OEM headlights in vehicle.
Now, that can be dodgey with some of the OEM headlights not exactly being high up if you have a bullbar...
Thats why they are called forward looking work lights mister Policeman. Cos I am pretty sure this is allowed.
Re: Lights on bar/roof, 35s and lowering a lifted car - Vict
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:06 pm
by bogged
turps wrote:Thats why they are called forward looking work lights mister Policeman. Cos I am pretty sure this is allowed.
LMAO dont like ya chances, but hey its worth a try!
Mr Bacon u meen
Re: Lights on bar/roof, 35s and lowering a lifted car - Vict
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:09 pm
by turps
bogged wrote:turps wrote:Thats why they are called forward looking work lights mister Policeman. Cos I am pretty sure this is allowed.
LMAO dont like ya chances, but hey its worth a try!
Mr Bacon u meen
Nah I am being nice to them cos they havent pulled me up for doing anything wrong (or right for that matter) for ages (I have all my points at the moment).
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:22 pm
by sierrajim
1. even though your car is 2 inches lower than before the lift kit consists of different components, therefore needs to be re engineered.
2. 35" tyres are a fair jump from the factory size, therefore placing more load due to leverage on the brakes.
3. Lights not allowed on the roof in Victoria, i'm not sure about this. Perhaps call Vicroads yourself 13 11 71 and ask them. I did about 2 months ago and they said that they are OK as long as they only switch on with the high beam and do not reflect light toward the driver.
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:50 pm
by pcman
my lights passed a roadworthy last week here in melbourne there mounted at the bottom of the windscreen
these are on there own power switch and can be turned on or off whenever even with the ignition on dunno if that makes a difference
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 1:58 pm
by ToNkA
My interpretation of the light rules when I checked with Vic Roads.
Can only have 3 pairs of high beam lights.
1 Pair are your standard highbeam and the other 2 pairs are 4 spotlights.
Can have them on roof if they are on seperate illuminated dash switch that is linked to your highbeams.
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 2:48 pm
by bogged
vitarajim wrote:1. even though your car is 2 inches lower than before the lift kit consists of different components, therefore needs to be re engineered..
Still only 4 shocks and 4 springs different though.
2. 35" tyres are a fair jump from the factory size, therefore placing more load due to leverage on the brakes..
My question was from 33-35s he already engineed me for that, but he wont do 35s now where he used to. but from stock to 35s I agree is a jump, but if a car passed before why not now. Also numerous other GQ's out there engineerd with 35's on them. Its not an uncommon request.
3. Lights not allowed on the roof in Victoria, i'm not sure about this. Perhaps call Vicroads yourself 13 11 71 and ask them. I did about 2 months ago and they said that they are OK as long as they only switch on with the high beam and do not reflect light toward the driver.
This is the issue. You are told one thing, others are told another. Happens in all states.
One thing with KW he will quote the actual law that it relates to, the pleb at Vicroads would stand 0 chance of this, the 4 times Ive called them, they didnt know shit. their only interest was 4.00pm.
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:16 pm
by Wendle
bogged wrote:vitarajim wrote:1. even though your car is 2 inches lower than before the lift kit consists of different components, therefore needs to be re engineered..
Still only 4 shocks and 4 springs different though.
cut'n'paste into this thread the exact text on your certificate pertaining to the suspension height increase. they all seem to spell it out differently.
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:24 pm
by bogged
Wendle wrote:cut'n'paste into this thread the exact text on your certificate pertaining to the suspension height increase..
I'll be honest with you, Ive never read the engineers fully. Laminated it and keep in glovey...
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:30 pm
by sierrajim
When you call Vicroads ask for them to fax you a ruling re the lights.
Re the tyres, the jump from factory to 33 may be OK, the jump from 33 to 35 not so big, but the jump from factory to 35 is quite a way. This is what he will be looking at.
Maybe try another engineer?
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 3:33 pm
by Cory
2) Getting Engineers for upgrading to 35's
"now almost impossible". His words, and he stopped there, wasnt interested in discussing it..
Cant see why this would be, upgrading to larger tyres wouldnt be a problem if everything else was upgraded aswell...
Is there another engineer you could talk to?
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 4:13 pm
by bogged
vitarajim wrote:When you call Vicroads ask for them to fax you a ruling re the lights.
Re the tyres, the jump from factory to 33 may be OK, the jump from 33 to 35 not so big, but the jump from factory to 35 is quite a way. This is what he will be looking at.
Maybe try another engineer?
I'm not bothering with it, I just asked him while I was on the phone, It was more for info of others.
I mentioned it was 33-35 that he engineered the 33's, he said no. :(
Someone else mentioned a few weeks ago about that case in NSW where engineer is being sued over a modded car in an accident, even though the driver was pist, and unlicensed etc.... This is what I was told previously.
There are other engnieers, KW was the 'easiest'...
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:01 pm
by 80diesel4play
Check out the entry section to the Nav nights at Pro comp's website - they have a ruling regarding the lights - I believe they have to be dippable when on High beams and are comepletely isolatable when ON road.
As for reverse engineering. How foolish can you be?
Lower it, put 33's back on and drive. That was legal before? Is it within the altered spec's and the legal spec's you ran previously? Duh? Split teh difference. If you get pulled over - It'll be for a good reason not just 'cause your Patrol looks sick mate...!
Also - There are a couple of bloke other than KW out there - "easy" is a perception - I'd rather stil pay $800 and get it done right and take the extra time on non Booty Fab' work and be safe!
Note: Gone through a pile of Booze Bus', with mates running 37/38's hanging out the guards and not even an eyelid was batted. Hell - I've been asked by Seargents how much fun is it in the bush? (mind you my car looks like it lives there...)
Any other dumb Q's?
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:17 pm
by ToNkA
80diesel4play wrote:Any other dumb Q's?
How come when you reverse you cant beep the horn backwards?
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:52 pm
by De-lux
in QLD you can have spotties whereever you want, so long as there disconnected. i just pull my fuse out during the week (so there disconnected) and when i'm night running, i put the fuse in and voila!
p.s. i have 4 spotties on the roll bar
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 11:56 pm
by sierrajim
the only thing with having lights on the roof of your rig in states where it is illegal is tht they may drag unnecessary attention from Mr Plod. who chances are will pull you over and book you for all the other unroadworthy stuff.
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:22 am
by christover1
the sr20de zook is only being allowed 30"s by kw for the engineering, christover
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:50 pm
by 80diesel4play
ToNkA wrote:80diesel4play wrote:Any other dumb Q's?
How come when you reverse you cant beep the horn backwards?
Cause the bloke behind you didn't hear it due to the big Illegal lift you run and the illegal un-engineerable lights blinded his hearing.
I think everyone who thinks teh engineer isn't giving them a fair go - go elsewhere. Competition breeds ingenuity and better deals.

Re: Lights on bar/roof, 35s and lowering a lifted car - Vict
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 3:33 pm
by RoldIT
bogged wrote:1) Dropping from 6-4in lift.
Since I lowered my car from 6in to 4in technically it should be re-engineered, but he worry if you get hassled. My arguement is that its closer to stock, so should not be an issue, i thougth it would be engineered UPTO 6inch, and all points inbetween.
What a shame, those 6" lift springs you got when the car was engineered have sagged to only a 4" lift now ...

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:42 pm
by Guy
If you are not allowed to have forward facing headlights above the line of the OEM headlights, how is it that the KJ cherokee has this kinda stuff as a factory option.. I would assume that as a OEM option it would have to comply with ADR's ??
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:47 pm
by Shadow
love_mud wrote:If you are not allowed to have forward facing headlights above the line of the OEM headlights, how is it that the KJ cherokee has this kinda stuff as a factory option.. I would assume that as a OEM option it would have to comply with ADR's ??
because even if they are on the roof they are still a OEM headlight are they not?
in qld they recently REMOVED legislation that made lights on the roof illegal. the qld transport guy i spoke to said that there is still some legislation that governs it but having lights on the roof is not illegal in itself, having them spaced incorrectly etc is illegal.... He wasnt keen on finding the legislation that still governs them for me tho, although he also said it is available on the qld transport website.
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:52 pm
by Shadow
another thing i asked was can an engineer approve a larger size tyre in qld
he said NO they cannot.
he also stressed that no engineer in qld has the authority to over write the manufacturers specification with respect to tyre and wheel size.
I also asked him about the transfer of rego from other states loophole for major mods and he wasnt too keen on talking about it. Just said that for most vehicles the registration is transfered without a qld transport inspection necessary.