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Font bar going to the tip tomorrow

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:37 pm
by ShinyDiscoBalls

I have a damaged Series 2 Disco front bar sitting in my front yard (that's if someone hasn't already taken it).

It's going to the tip tomorrow if no one takes it.

It basically has a piece missing on the passanger side bottom but I still have the piece so I guess it could be plastic welded if necessary.

There is no damage to the metal bar frame behind it.

It also has the headlight water jets and hoses and the SRS aluminium bar mounts.

If you want it give me a call on 0405 225 391 and must be picked up from Enmore in Sydney today or it's goin'.

I can email a picture of damage if you wish. For some reason I don't get an option to post pics....