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Cruiser axle widths, again....

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2003 8:06 pm
by Paul
Hi All.

Well we are now in South Aus and the Engineering requirements to keep Transport SA happy is going to be a PITA compared to NSW/ACT.


I remember a post a while ago talking about 60 and 80 Series FRONT axles and their widths. From memory someone said that the housings on the 60's and 80's were the same width and the 80 hubs mounted the wheel out further to get the extra width?

So a few questions:

1. Is it true that the 60's & 80's housings are the same width?

2. On an 80, what is the distance from the WMS to the top swivel-bearing axis?

3. Do Hilux's, 60's & 80's use the same swivel bearings?

4. How much meat is there between the outer edge of the swivel bearing mounting pocket and the edge of the ball thingy? (see picture)

I'm chasing this in the hope that I can just show comparisons between the "IFS hub swap" bearing loading and what Toyota have done from factory in the hope that I don't have to get calculations done by the engineers and loose more of my budget.

