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The Jack may live again!!! (Or Still!!!!) Sorry F'terra

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 8:16 pm
Talkin to the local dealer today and they told me that the F'terra is being
discontinued because the plant in Indiana is now soley owned by Subaru and
thats were there made. They are also dissapointed as the F'terra is begining
to sell well...
Also the Jackeroo may still live yet.... As GMH own the Jack design, name
and rights to build the vehicle, they are looking to manufacture a new
updated Jack in Thailand in the same plant as the RA Rodeo. Same running
gear but updated body and interior. It all depends on projected sales and

Just some info!!!!!

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:48 pm
by Westoztroopa

Long live the Jackaroo. :lol:


Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 7:03 pm
by scottMIB
Isn't it about time they pensioned that old derelict off? ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2003 10:15 pm
by Westoztroopa
scottMIB wrote:Isn't it about time they pensioned that old derelict off? ;)

True, its getting a little long in the tooth. They need to totally change the look. But as long as its an Isuzu and its called a Jackaroo, Ill be happy.

Though it would be hard to imagine a Jackaroo without that classic boxy look! :wink:


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2003 8:18 pm
From what i've heared the shape won't change a great deal....
As long as they don't change the drive train to much!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 2:05 pm
by MrMaxi
Is it true that the jackaroo has been cut from holden ?

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 6:15 pm
by Westoztroopa
Yes, sad but true. :cry: Also Frontera...


See link...


Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2003 8:48 am
by Greazy
mmmmm a H2. or even those V8's still sound alrite.

does this mean we will soon qualify for historic rego???

We'll seriously this is a sad day for all but with the weapons that Holden are bringing out in there HSV range i am hopefull that maybe, just maybe, HOLDEN HSV ................ 4WD becomes a reality.

We will soon see..........


Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 3:26 pm
by Ozzuzu 1
Couldn't agree more with MIB, look how many of us no longer own Frumpterras.

They should never have been allowed on the market in the first place.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 6:07 pm
Greazy wrote:mmmmm a H2. or even those V8's still sound alrite.

does this mean we will soon qualify for historic rego???

We'll seriously this is a sad day for all but with the weapons that Holden are bringing out in there HSV range i am hopefull that maybe, just maybe, HOLDEN HSV ................ 4WD becomes a reality.

We will soon see..........


hsv already did a jackaroo, didnt you know? shows you how well it sold, if the jackaroo fan club dont even know about it!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:23 pm
by Yarno
I like the idea of the H2 :) :)

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 7:45 pm
mmm.... H U M M E R

YEAH! could work! it will fit on the grille.

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 10:03 pm
Yeah, but pnly petrol V8. Diesel would ne the go!!!!

I still like my F'terra!!!!!! :P :P

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 3:40 pm
by Greazy

We did already know about the HSV Jackaroo - take alook at some of the other topics in the forum.


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 6:41 pm
your the one hoping it could be a reality, i was just pointing out that it already was.

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 7:11 pm
by +dj_hansen+
If they are gonna keep building Jackaroo's.. someone needs to tell Holden/Isuzu to consider beefing up the stock suspension in the front. Our work Jackaroo has only done just short of 26,000 and the shocks are already well worn... could always take it out of the budget and go for some OME Nitrochargers, doubt it would be approved how ever :(

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:55 pm
by Beastmavster
You guys ever actually seen a Hummer off road.... for the money they would have to be one of the worst heaps of crap around.....

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 12:11 pm
by Westoztroopa
+dj_hansen+ wrote:If they are gonna keep building Jackaroo's.. someone needs to tell Holden/Isuzu to consider beefing up the stock suspension in the front. Our work Jackaroo has only done just short of 26,000 and the shocks are already well worn... could always take it out of the budget and go for some OME Nitrochargers, doubt it would be approved how ever :(

So what sort of conditions is it put through? I think that a lot of vehicles have stock suspension that isnt up to the mark for serious offroad work... Definately worth hitting up the boss for some OMEs or Ranchos! :twisted:
