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head gasket
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:55 pm
by Jimmy L
Has anyone who has replaced a head gasket posted a DYI on it. Been quoted a small fortune to have it done so I'm gunna do it myself with the help of a mechanic mate. Also, how much are the gasket kits and a water pump? Note to self: never drive overheating vehicle.
Any info apprieciated
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 2:14 pm
by *BESTY*
PM "builtforthrashing" he may have a spare gasket sitting around !!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 3:50 pm
by Jimmy L
Thanks, I got the service manual downloaded from here awhile ago and it's got all the info I need. Spare parts quoted me $136 for the waterpump and $220 for the head gasket (not sure if thats the full kit or what). So looks like I got a little project to keep myself amused after work this week.
Does anyone know about torque settings as it's important and I don't know how to set it when tighting bolts.
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:15 pm
by murcod
Try aftermarket - that's ridiculous unless it includes the whole top end? From what I've heard water pumps are expensive too (mine was replaced under warranty

The torque settings should be in the manual (or on the gasket kit?)- make sure you follow them and the tightening sequence. Also could pay to get the head machined, so you're certain the surface is flat. Otherwise you could blow the gasket again.
Make sure the block and head surface are clean too. Remove any build up on them.
Do your timing belt at the same time if it hasn't been done for a while. Will only be an extra $50 or so.
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 5:58 pm
by SimplyPV
also, clean out the top of your piston heads while your at it and in there. might also be a good idea to flush the head out as well, get it cleaned up real good. remove grime from the valves, valve seats, springs, cam, etc etc. have fun!
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:36 pm
by Jimmy L
Well, I printed off pages 54-95 of the workshop manual so I have a clue what's doing. Once I have the head I'll get old mate to get it machined at work. I think the quote might be for a whole gasket kit when I only need head,inlet manifold, exhast manifold and tappit cover gaskets, I'll worry about that when the time comes. I understand the torque sequence but not how much to tighten the nm thing anyway I'll work it out.
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:26 pm
by murcod
Ask around and borrow a proper torque wrench, don't try guessing.
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:27 am
by HeathGQ
yeah we've done it at home. Piece of piss. COuple of things to watch for
- at the back of the head is a temperature sensor. DO NOT BREAK IT. its about 40mm long, and 10mm diameter, and cost about $100 to replace genuine.
- Get the head serviced. New valves, valves seats and seals. Cost a bit, but worth it.
My little bro is a mechanic, and would welcome the extra dosh for doing it. Just PM me and I should be able to organise it.
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:27 pm
by Jimmy L
I've had a change of plans. Got an offer on the Feroza which means I and it are parting ways.
Looks like I'll be joining Mitsubitchi clan in a white 2001 Exceed, which is pretty bling and drives much better than the old battle axe feroza.
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:55 pm
by ShinyDiscoBalls
Another one bites the dust.....
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:59 pm
by SimplyPV
ouch.... there goes another one.....

hope your happy with your new car mate. have fun and you as another hatsu owner will be missed.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:48 pm
by Jimmy L
Yes despite all the frustrations mechanically it gave me I really liked the Feroza it was cool fun to hoon in. Not very cool fun for an infant child in the backseat though, jeez am I'm getting on or what.
At least I know the old blacknsilver will go to a good home. And I don't have to be the one to remove the lift blocks for the safety cert (stupidqldlaws) or remove the head etc etc. Not that I would consider those tasks an enriching learning experience it's just that it would eat into my valuable drinking time.
Jimmy L