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Aftermarket Turbo
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:38 pm
by aazz
After christmas I will be getting a turbo fitted to my 92 model 4.2 diesel GQ LWB. At this stage it will be done by MTQ in Newcastle because no one seems to complain about them and they are close to home. The car has about 252,000km's. My questions are:
Should I get the injectors and fuel pump done at the same time?
Does the radiator need upgrading?
Is there anything else that needs to be done for the engine to handle the turbo?
Cheers, Aazz.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:52 pm
by YankeeDave
I put a turbo on mine when it had done 275,000kms
the injectors were rebuilt 50,000kms before that so were fine. pump seemed fine so i didnt touch it.
I reckon take your injectors off and do a spray test, if it's a nice spary you're fine, otherwise get them rebuilt.
I did nowtice a lot of heat build up after the turbo when driving up long hills. Put a 3 core radiator in and problem solved.
Make sure you put a 3" exhaust on instead of the 2.5" as you get heaps more out of that 1/2"
Mine has now done 50,000kms since the turbo and actually runs better and smoother than it ever did before the turbo and gets better economy. And all i had to change was the radiator.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:00 pm
by aazz
Was that a custom made radiator or is it available pretty much anywhere?
The previous owner of the car fitted a set of Lukey extractors and a Lukey 3" exhaust system so I guess i'm lucky there. Do you reckon it was worth it.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 7:36 pm
by BigMav
Hell yes its worth it, do it!

Your extractors won't be any good to ya anymore but its good that you've got the 3". Mandrel bent is preferable to pressed corners also. Mine has no problem with the standard radiator. Get the turbo done and see how it goes, you may not need it.
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:09 pm
by YankeeDave
i only had dramas with heat on days over 35 C
so i basically had my 2 core rebuilt into a 3 core. (tanks remain) cost something like $450
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:13 pm
by Mat
make sure they do a compression test before fitting the turbo
Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2004 9:38 pm
by BigMav
Mat wrote:make sure they do a compression test before fitting the turbo
Good advice!
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:41 am
by viperguy
another good idea is to have the deisel pump adjusted to suit the added fuel required for the turbo setup..this is one of the reasons temps rise with a turbo install..a good turbo place should do this as part of the install process anyways. but make sure u ask the questions..
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:57 am
by Tiny
I have heard good things about MTQ so good luck, the best advice will be from them, remenber they do them all the time

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 8:30 am
by Trol TD6
Injectors - Yes
Radiator - Have it checked, costs $30.
MTQ should calibrate pump after fitting turbo. If your running big psi, you'll need the pump to be modded as well.
3 inch exhaust will reduce the EGT's alot more than 2.5 (from experience).
Have fun mate!
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:53 pm
by aazz
Cheers thanks for all the advice peoples can't wait to get it done.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:12 pm
by Duff
just curious how much are they charging as im thinking about doing it too
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:53 pm
BIG GQ wrote:Hoonz,
We are looking at making our own turbo setup for my TD42 wagon (my ute is TB42 and we have other engine conversion plans in stall for that) and MAY then look at marketing these at a considerable discount compared to the $3000 odd dollars plus exhaust for a safari setup.
My brother inlaw does this stuff for a living (did/does all the intercooler work and pipework etc. for Mark and Noel Ashford Worlds fastest auto powered 4cyl doorslammer and we will be doing mine and then looking at making up a jig for all the pipework and doing these kits.
Hoonz, could you PLEASE PM me a phone number to contact you on and then get me a couple more shots of the oil/water lines on both the motor and turbo? It is to hard to explain over the computer.
As I posted in another thread. These will be available at a considerable discount compared to the $3000 odd dollars plus exhaust system that Safari charge.