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Engine Upgrade
Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 11:39 pm
by BIg StEvE
How much can u pick up a long 3.9efi rover engine for?
I have an 83 2 door with the standard 3.5 carby engine!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:46 am
by Mudzuki
Theres a 4.4 on ebay at the moment in victoria, for under a grand! (when i checked)
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:17 pm
by defender kev
There was a 3.9 out of a 96 disco in the trading post a few weeks ago for
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:21 pm
by BIg StEvE
yeah i thought they would be around the $1500 mark!
Any one done this conversion themselves on there rig?
I heard its pretty comon so come spill people!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:25 pm
BIg StEvE wrote:yeah i thought they would be around the $1500 mark!
Any one done this conversion themselves on there rig?
I heard its pretty comon so come spill people!

Good Luck finding one for $1500 with any kind of Warrenty. When my 3.5 snapped the crank i looked around and the cheapest Bare Long 3.9 i could find was in Sydney for $2200. A Dressed long including EFI is usually around $3500.
However i was lucky a few years ago when i bought the 3.9 thats in my buggy. It was bare long with a damaged Timming case and i paid $750 with 3 months warrenty.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:51 pm
by BIg StEvE
oh ok thanks RUFF is there a better option to go a different motor for around the same price!
What motors u guys running?
Any info is great info

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:55 pm
by p76rangie
The prices you are being quoted may only be for the motor. The computer system to run the motor can be around $2,000 from the wreckers. $3,500 for motor and computers sounds about right
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:53 pm
by BIg StEvE
p76rangie wrote:The prices you are being quoted may only be for the motor. The computer system to run the motor can be around $2,000 from the wreckers. $3,500 for motor and computers sounds about right
awesome thanx mate this is the kind of info im lookin for!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:20 pm
by Maggot4x4
Found an Isuzu NPR for sale today, complete with 4bd1 and 5 speed splitter box for $1000, just incase you wanted a diesel option.
Guy says motor and box are vgc but the truck is full of rust.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:34 pm
Maggot4x4 wrote:Found an Isuzu NPR for sale today, complete with 4bd1 and 5 speed splitter box for $1000, just incase you wanted a diesel option.
Guy says motor and box are vgc but the truck is full of rust.
Whereabouts is the truck? can you PM me the details?
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:55 am
by Maggot4x4
It's in Gosford NSW.
Computer for $2000!!!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:58 am
by ytt105
Forget the crap Lucas computer.
Get a MegaSquirt. $200 if you can solder!
Re: Computer for $2000!!!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:37 am
by Mudzuki
ytt105 wrote:Forget the crap Lucas computer.
Get a MegaSquirt. $200 if you can solder!
So, if your engine is buggered, you buy a rover 3.5 or 3.9 EFI WITHOUT the computer but with the loom and then plug and play with the MegaSquirt? This sounds like the cheaper option.
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:18 pm
by kurmit
Have got 3.6 liter big bore with everything new in it guaranteed to go better than a 3.9 give me a call 01 9739 6989
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:43 pm
by BIg StEvE
im looking for EFI is this 3.6 big bore electronic fuel injected!
i didnt think 3.5 came in efi but im a noob so probably wrong!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:27 pm
by suzidisco
don't know about rangies but the disco up to 7/93 where efi 3.5
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:40 pm
by LincolnBlack
Yep, my '88 rangie is 3.5 EFI. But it was a private import from England, not sure if that makes a difference?
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:28 pm
by TuffRR
kurmit wrote:Have got 3.6 liter big bore with everything new in it guaranteed to go better than a 3.9 give me a call 01 9739 6989
I reckon he means
4.6 Litre and his phone number is
03 etc.
The 3.9 was introduced late 89 about 6 months after the BW viscous case was introduced, so if you're really unlucky (like i was initially) you'll end up with a crap 3.5 with a crap BW!!!
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:30 pm
by TuffRR
BIg StEvE wrote:i didnt think 3.5 came in efi but im a noob so probably wrong!

The 3.5 was EFI from 86 through to 89 when it was replaced by the 3.9
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:50 am
TuffRR wrote:kurmit wrote:Have got 3.6 liter big bore with everything new in it guaranteed to go better than a 3.9 give me a call 01 9739 6989
I reckon he means
4.6 Litre and his phone number is
03 etc.
The 3.9 was introduced late 89 about 6 months after the BW viscous case was introduced, so if you're really unlucky (like i was initially) you'll end up with a crap 3.5 with a crap BW!!!
me too
I would suggest a 4.6 upgrade if you want to spend the $$$. Give kermit a call to expands your options and get an idea of the $$$ range.
Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:48 pm
by Mudzuki
From what i hear, drive in drive out, the 4.4 or 4.6 conversion pulls between 9 to 10 big ones from your wallet. Ouch!
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:53 pm
by BIg StEvE
yep 4.6 new engine and change over got a rough quote between $8-9000 if all goes to plan!
Bit pricey for me at the moment. oh well have to keep looking at other options!
what else have u people been dropping in for around $4000
4.4 option
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:08 pm
by nigeljarvis
I was forced to do an engine conversion when I hydrauliced my 1987 3.5EFI Rangie V8. I wanted to go diesel (300tdi for $4,000 plus fitting), but was tempted by the promise of a fully rebuilt and rebored 4.4 P76 connected to my 3.5 computer gear for around $2,500. When job was done invoice was for $5,200 (mechanical dyslexia). I've added a few bits like Ford twin thermo fans and an aftermarket oil cooler adapter to help with cooling, so I guess you could say you can get a 4.5 V8 on efi for under $6,000.
Others have suggested a 350 Chev with adapter would be the best way to go (see my topic on this for more details - also check out Eagle Spares and Suburban Imports on the web in Aust. to compare prices). More weight, more grunt, more general knowledge about Chev engines than most others, many claim great fuel economy figures.
I'm seriously thinking about a different EFI system, as mine currently drinks 23L/100km no matter how I drive (Motec, Wolf3D, Autronic, Megasquirt, etc.).
There's my two cents worth!
Regards, Nigel
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 6:40 pm
by BIg StEvE
ok nice one nigel thanks for the info mate!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:47 pm
by p76rangie
I have a p76 4.4 and get 23l/100km on gas. On a Highway trip can get to 20l/100. On petrol I get about 16l/100km. I do not run EFI only a 500 holley. But would not recommend a P76 motor for a Rangie. Have never been able to keep the thing cool when working it in the bush.
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:56 pm
by Slunnie
p76rangie wrote:But would not recommend a P76 motor for a Rangie. Have never been able to keep the thing cool when working it in the bush.
I was under the impression that overheating was a typical trait in the P76-Rangie conversions for some reason, though the Landy engines are ok.
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:38 am
by A*D*A*M
What does it cost to do a 3.5/3.9 stroker and rebuild? Say 4.2, I've heard thay're a good compromise between torque and economy.
My 3.9 has about 207 000 ks on it and I'm thinking I'll have to do something in the next 100 000 or so.
Steve, sorry to hijack your thread...
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 4:43 pm
by BIg StEvE
A*D*A*M wrote:What does it cost to do a 3.5/3.9 stroker and rebuild? Say 4.2, I've heard thay're a good compromise between torque and economy.
My 3.9 has about 207 000 ks on it and I'm thinking I'll have to do something in the next 100 000 or so.
Steve, sorry to hijack your thread...
Na mate this is the kind of stuff i wanna hear! All this is helping me decide which way i wanna go engine wise. I'm not extreamly fussed obout fuel economy as long as its not rediculously bad! MORE FUEL=MORE POWER!

Want good solid performance thats not too heavy up front! Hopefully get into racing. ONE DAY!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:06 pm
by Aquarangie
I sold my 3.9 EFI complete for $2500 which had over 275,000 kms on the clock. I did say I wouldn't sell it, told the bloke if he offerd me that 9thinking that he wouldn't take it) he could have it. Well, everything is for sale at a price
I'm hoping to get my hands on a 4.2 stroker block off a bloke in the RRC. It has a dud piston, but I only really want the crank,rods etc.. everyhting else is being replaced, plus I have a spare 3.5 sitting on the fllor in the garage

Pending if I can get it for a giveaway (being a cheap bastard again!!).
There's some good bargains out there, just have to be patient. P76's are okaty and cheap power upgrade, but getting a bit old now but people who have P76 powerd Rangies swear by them
Good luck.
Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:08 pm
by TuffRR
I have the P76 in mine and have had no problems with overheating (when it has been running

I have a 3.9 radiator and additional oil cooler which helps.