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Fitting LT 95 transfer case to a Disco

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:47 pm
by Jay
Can the early LT 95 transfer case used on early Rangies(1983 models and earlier) be retrofitted on a 96 Disco I to increase crawl ratio? how about the defender transfer case?
Any update on the dual transfer case set up?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:52 pm
The LT95 is an integral box and T-case, and the low range is the same as the LT230 (3.32:1), only the gearbox ratios are different.

Maxi-Drive has a 30% lower low range for the LT230.

There should be a bolt on underdrive available eventually using the BW1339 jeep T-case - Search.