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Stage I V8 rear diff problem
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:08 am
G'day all,
The rear diff in my Stage I is in serious trouble. I noticed a humming noise Tuesday arvo, thinking it was a wheel bearing I drove home (15kms) I don't have 5 seconds to check things at the moment and I had to drive to work in hornsby yesterday hoping I had a bearing noise (the noise was only there while braking, so i though it may have been brakes). Anyway i have done about 60kms with the noise, to find my pinion is as loose as hell, I guess a bearing has failed.
it has a 3.54:1 salisbury rear diff.
whats the chances the pinion and crownwheel are ok ?
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 7:39 am
by Strange Rover
Its easy to check cause you can just pull the rear cover and have a look.
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 8:01 am
by max200tdi
You're not having much luck with diffs..
Front one fixed OK?
Max P
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 4:11 pm
Yeah not having much luck with diff's, I thinking it may be the same problem as the front one was, I fixed the front okay. Just a pitty the rear is a Salisbury.
I am just about to go out and check the rear diff now
problem found
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:19 pm
G'day all,
Well I took the drain plug out to drain the oil, to find that a grease like substance coming out.
I took the back plate off and the oil has turned into a grease type of apperance, What casues this? Water?
Anyway I took the axles out and tailshaft out and I'm running with centre diff locked and on front wheel drive.
Is there any problem using front wheel drive for to long? because i don't know how long till I can fix this, as money is an issue and it's a salisbury so I can't easily pull it apart.
I will be checking the front diff tomorrow and probably changing the oil in it and the swivels (were all done about 2 months ago)
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 8:13 am
by Bush65
Grease is oil emulsified with water and a metalic soap.
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 9:35 am
by Bodge
Which is not unusual - if your pinion seal is flogged along with the bearing [they go hand in hand] then you will have water in the diff - that grey soup is as Bush65 described your previously good gear oil mixed with water.
Give it a good rinse with a spirit or petroleum based product [I just squirt a bit of gas up there

] and let it drain out fully before sealing it up again and putting new oil in.
You should be able to drive around in front wheel drive without problems for a while - I have done some long drives home with front only and no lasting damage. I wouldn't view it as a long term option though....
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:25 am
If you want to pull the rear centre out to check everything is OK, just pill the rear cover plate off and the 4 bolts that hold the bearing caps on.
The manual says you need a spreading tool to take the centre out, but it is only a very slight press fit, so it is easier to use a couple of tyre levers to take the centre out. To press it back in just tap gently with a soft faced hammer.
My guess is that because of the lack of oil you have done a bearing or two - simple and cheap to replace. If any of the 4 cross shaft gears are worn excessively you can buy extra thrust washers to pack them up.
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:49 am
by napsta
wonder how water (or mud!) got in your diff dave! you dont go near mud hey!
Rear diif
Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 6:11 pm
I had been told that tyre levers can get the diff out, Now I am convinced as a 2nd person has said so, thanks isuzurover.
My grease type oil is actually brown, which I assume must be mud? because i thought it was water, but water makes oil go grey.
As for never going near mud, I won't be anytime soon, I'm over it, Bring on Rock crawling !! (Just need to finish my project)