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VN V8 to hilux sump ?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:27 pm
by killalux
just wondering what sump to use when putting the 5 litre into solid axle hilux?
can something like a HQ one be used or should i get the marks adapters one?
also what you guys done with cooling? standard radiator or HQ, thermo fans or does a engine fan fit in there


Re: VN V8 to hilux sump ?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:30 am
by cbr
killalux wrote:just wondering what sump to use when putting the 5 litre into solid axle hilux?
can something like a HQ one be used or should i get the marks adapters one?
also what you guys done with cooling? standard radiator or HQ, thermo fans or does a engine fan fit in there


When I fist did my swap I use the standard sump, but now I have got cross-over I needed the low part of the sump to be in the rear. I just went to a wrecker and got one that had the low part of the sump at the rear. I was going to get a marks adapters one, but I asked them for measurements to ensure it would fit. But they refuced to give me the measurements as they claimed I would then be able to make my own :? I told them to get f*ck, saved $300 and got one from the wrecker.

With regards to cooling I have a custom 3 core rad which is higher then standard (because of BL) and a fixed engine fan. I use to run a VN V8 commy radiator and this was fine, but you need to cut out the front cross member. When I replaced the front clip due to the rollover I did not want to cut the front cross-member so I went custom. I also have a single 11" themo on the front of the rad as I run air con.
