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Wiring diagram for Battery Isolator

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:00 am
by BabyGodzillaGTi-R
Hey guys need your help.
I was given a 2nd hand ARB battery isolator as i intend to run dual batteries and the problem i'm facing is i dont know how to fix it. Does anyone have a wiring diagram or schemetics of it so that i can fix it up instead of me blowing up the alternator due to my terrible DIY skills of a 17year old.
I tried to do a search on the forum and cant seem to find a diagram.
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
Victor Cheong

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:24 pm
by dumbdunce
a pic of the isolator will help, or at very least a comprehensive description of the unit and its terminals.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:23 pm
by BabyGodzillaGTi-R
Looks like any typical battery isolator. With 4 points.
Its an ARB battery isolator.
Any other description i need to give?

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:41 pm
by dumbdunce
there are any number of different types of battery isolators, but I'm *guessing* you're talking about a simple solenoid, which is a roughly 5cmx5cm metal can with 2 big copper terminals and two much smaller terminals?

if so, the two BIG terminals go to the positive terminals of both your batteries. it does not matter which goes to which.

one of the two smaller terminals goes to ground. it does not matter which.
the other small one should be wired to a 12v source that is available when you want the second battery to charge. with external, mechanically regulated alternators you can pick up a signal from the regulator so that the second battery is only connected when the engine is running. anternatively you can wire it straight to the ignition, but this can be dangerous and runs the risk of running both batteries flat. you could also connect it to a dashboard switch.

