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R15# fits what t/case?

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:32 am
by slosh
Seriously contemplating using R15# gearbox behind 1UZ (with 2UZ bellhousing or kit from Dellow) and was wondering which of these boxes mates to what transfers....

T/D Bundera has R151 (?), so does 78 series, 100 series petty, Surf and V6 4 runner but they all have different t cases. Question is, are the t cases interchangeable- ie can an 80/ 100 series t case bolt onto the back of a Surf box or Bundera box? etc. etc.

To find out any bolt up combo would be gold for me, so thanks to anyone who knows.

Oh, and just to throw another possibility- the R154 box can be adapted to fit what? and how? and then there's the Dyna box that Marks uses.


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:23 am
by cbr
Have a look at John's 4runner with a HO 5.0lt with a R154 box.
