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lockright diff locks
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:06 pm
by bear
Hey guys, just some info.
I ordered and recieved a lockright auto diff lock (richmond gear company) from a mob called
rocky-road outfitters in utah in the states.
Landed in wa via air mail it cost $376 aus.
it was sent 16.12.04 and arrived today 04.01.05, i think it was slow due to xmas freight.
So if you guys are after cheap lokkas, look no further!

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:03 pm
by tukadafoonday
got a web address for them by any chance?
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:48 am
by mtx
What are the lockright like?
I have heard people calling them lockwrong and having all sorts of bad things to say but then I hear people saying they are good for the money.
any feedback from anyone?
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:34 am
by mud4b
they are great for a cheap locker.....not very good on the road though...
even worse when they wear the springs and pins...
off road ive found thet work awsome,and do not unlock like people say they do....
for the price you cant go wrong.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:45 am
I have one on its way from central4wd in the states.
For a 40 series is $242US
which at the exchange rates is like 320 plus postage.
obviously i dont really know how they go, but i should know in a couple of weeks.
Im keen as mustard so i should know soon enough.
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:21 am
by Busiboy
DRS where are you putting it? Front or back?
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:37 am
by bear
Mine was $232 us plus post and ins
address is
Im puttin mine in the front, they also do the next generation to lockright that you can put in the rear and it has good on road manners, supposedly?? I dont know what to fit tin the back.
Rebuilding my back diff monday as 24 years of driven has taken its toll and i have such a whine from the
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:44 pm
by tukadafoonday
thanks bear... will have to have a look... were there air lockers priced well too? i have to lock my front so i would rather an air locker... just the price i dont quite like :( and cant relly afford. so maybe i lockrite will have to do for the front... just will mean i have to get out to undo the hubs.
bear... if you can afford a air locker... stick the lockrite in the rear and air locker up front

my 2c worth
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:15 pm
by bear
hey guys.
that web address is wrong, it's
puttin the lockright in the front and i'll see how it goes.
Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:24 pm
by De-lux
what size is my 1993 dual cab hilux diesel? its a LN106 with a 3L engine.
is it:
8" 4 Pinion,2pc. case(V6 & Turbo)
8" Front or Rear 2 Pinion
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:16 am
bear, you sure about putting one in the front??
it will make your steering a bastard and apparently snap CV's constantly??
im going to put my lockright in the rear. Also in a 40 the front and rear diffs are the same so it can be swappped. then im getting a cheap LSD for the front. and see how that goes. one day ARB's but i cant afford it.
they say when you take yoru foot off the accelerator it should unlock around a corner.
but i have heard they re-lock in with a big clunk. they reckon its smooth only people who know are people who already have one.
but i would be concerned about putting one in the front.
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 8:49 am
by Busiboy
only supposed to take about 1-2 hours etc etc.
pull your finger out I want a report!!
I was going to do front and rear on mine,
they aren't supposed to unlock at all are they? I thought it was always positivly locked and on road allowed wheels to spin quicker to allow cornering.
That is why I like the sound of them, no unlocking.
That unlocking around corners etc sounds like a Detroit locker, not a lockright.
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:10 am
Busi, i could be mistaken. about the cornering. they are meant to help ya somehow.
and mate you wont be able to turn too easy in the front???? you will bust shiat, and they say when you busy an cv etc or axle with a lockrite it can kill ya centre???
mate spoke to my olds this morning my locker and bikini top are currently onboard the QE2, in the carribean!!!!
Now, i ask this, how many people's lockers have been on the QE2, through the carribean?????
*Be good to your locker, and it should be good to you!
Olds might be bringing it home on the plane, otherwise its air post.
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:41 am
by tukadafoonday
Just ordered my lockrite should be here in 6 - 10 days whoops.... now i should be able to get up those rocks that i been bouncing up and down on so much trying to get the rear to keep traction... will be sticking it up the front as i alreaDY have a detroit in the rear...
DRS - as long as you aint driving with the locker engaged on road in the front it shouldnt be to bad i would not think. just the old turning circle will be greatly effected.... but get around this by just unlocking one of the hubs when you need to do tightish turns.
i would have much preferred a airlocker... but i got to much other stuff to do to my 40 and not enough money to do it all! :( damn it!!!
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:43 am
by sambo
I have a lockright in the front of my 60 and i think that it is pretty good. An air locker would be better but much more expensive.
lockrights only lock the axles when there is drive to the diff. So when you go round a corner on a dirt road if you back off the right foot it will corner like it is in 2wd. Then as soon as the power goes back on the diff locks up.
I was told that if you are having trouble with your lockright it is because it isn't set up properly. Mine unlocks every time the foot comes off and locks again when the foot goes down. It definantly doesn't make a clunk when it re-locks.
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:21 pm
sambo good to know!!! on the no clunk.
tuckafoonday im too lazy to get out and unlock a hub to turn mate.
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 5:01 pm
by tukadafoonday
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:08 pm
by bear
tukadafoonday wrote:Just ordered my lockrite should be here in 6 - 10 days whoops.... now i should be able to get up those rocks that i been bouncing up and down on so much trying to get the rear to keep traction... will be sticking it up the front as i alreaDY have a detroit in the rear...
DRS - as long as you aint driving with the locker engaged on road in the front it shouldnt be to bad i would not think. just the old turning circle will be greatly effected.... but get around this by just unlocking one of the hubs when you need to do tightish turns.
i would have much preferred a airlocker... but i got to much other stuff to do to my 40 and not enough money to do it all! :( damn it!!!
where did you order yours from??
and how much?
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:10 pm
by bear
De-lux wrote:what size is my 1993 dual cab hilux diesel? its a LN106 with a 3L engine.
is it:
8" 4 Pinion,2pc. case(V6 & Turbo)
8" Front or Rear 2 Pinion
should be #2 the 2 pinion. The 2piece 4 pinion is the v6 models.
part number is 1610
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:15 pm
by tukadafoonday
I got mine from central 4wd... as the other one didnt have the toyo section up and running yet and i couldn't have been bothered sending an email...
and i think it was 253US$ plus 45$ shipping... i guess US & also.... then taxes when it comes in... so im guessing arond the 400$ mark maybe?
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:00 pm
by dibbz
The instructions mention the diff should be within tolerance, went to chuck mine in and it was way out, so it got a trip to the lapper, who also ended up installing it seeing he had the diff apart. I suspect the tolerances may be why people don't have such a good time with them.
I'd go as far as to say if your diff is over 10 years old then it's quite possible it will be in need of adjustment so don't assume it's just a 1-2hr install.
I would go the airlocker if your wanting to crawl, I find usually when I exit a creek or such and have to turn out i'm fighting it and wishing I could just disengage the locker.
Still enjoy it tho :) No CV's busted yet...
Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 11:31 pm
by bear
you dont have 2 go to the tojo section. Just click on the powertrax sign and the diff listings and prices are there.
mine was $232 us and $41.10 us shipping
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:55 am
by tukadafoonday
ah nice one... maybe i should have had a better look around that site then.... oh well... i can handlepaying and extra 20$ AUS anyways.... still 400$ of so cheaper then if i happened to buy it from over here...
what sort of truck is yours going in?
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:39 pm
by bear
my baby is a 1981 RN46 hilux that started life as a ute.
Currently its a blue panelvan (custom built by prof body builders)
18 RG import motor. Springs out of a 2000 lux, stuffed shocks,]
std 4 speed and 4.88 diffs. Rebuildin rear diff as its whinein bad. Lockright goin in front.
Road tyre 31x10.5x15 simex at300
off road tyrs simex JT2 33x11.5x15
extended bump stops for these tyres and some custom grinder work on front guards.
lots of natual pin stripes and rock indents as well.
its cheap but its allllll mine. lol!!

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:10 am
by Timmy
a friend of mine has a 98 Extra cab hilux with the IFS ....he wants to run a detroit true lock in it, how do the powertrax compare to these?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:39 am
I know with the Fj40 lockers i looked up, the lockrite was the 2nd cheapest. the detroits were all more expensive, other then the EZ locker, which they dont recommend for tyres bigger then 33's.(according to a disclaimer iread).
Not many people would have tried too many different brands in the one rig to compare i wouldnt think?
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:27 pm
by bear
fitted unit on monday. it works. now to test it properly.
just have to get leave pass.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:29 am
by De-lux
did you fit it yourself, or pay someone to fit it?
how much would fitting cost do ya reckon?
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 12:35 am
by bear
I am very lucky to have a mate who is very good at mechanics.
see members section. hes buildin the evolution zook. (duncan)
ive been told it costs about $175-200 for fitting.
Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2005 9:22 am
by Busiboy
DRS got a report yet?