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New take on Dual Batterys for Rodeo
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:01 pm
by rainsey
I have been pondering on my dual battery set up for some time and because of this the various vendors must be getting sick and tired of my million and one questions but the problem is as follows:-
As standard the Rodeo is limited to what.. a 8" long second battery that does not give much lattitude for a deep cycle battery or a decent high CC Battery for cranking.
Here is my thoughts..
I put a snorkel on (that I need anyway) and bring the air intake into the side, I think the Safari will bring the intake to the furtherest (is that a word) forward as possible. Once done, I bring the radiator expansion chamber forward (there are treaded holes in place to do this) and then move the fuel filter (Guys I have a Diesel) water condenser and power steering resivour around abit to make a greater space between the aformentioned bits and the engine thus allowing a relatively normal sized cranking battery onto the passengers side of the car.
The starter motor cable runs under the radiator, so this is cut and brought up to the new cranking battery and a suitable dual battery system such as the TJM IBS put in. The power for the starter solenoid of brought to the new battery and the remaining power for all accessories stay where they are to the existing deep cycle on the drivers side.
To put the battery on the passengers side will mean a custom made bracket but the MIG in the garage does not get a lot of use anyway..
Anyone see an issue with this or has anyone alreay done it? I need to do something soon but I am ultimately frustrated with no two vendors giving me the same info! I think the solution at hand will work.
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 10:53 pm
by Mytqik
I suppose the thing to bear in mind is why do you want dual batteries??
If it is to run accessories off while not affecting the cranking battery, then the second battery can be in the tray if needed, as the cables between the two batteries only need to charge the second batt.
However if it is for a winch, then I would put one battery on both sides of the engine bay, with the one closest to the starter as the cranking batt. Again the cables between the two only need to be smallish.
If however you want to use the second batt as a cranking batt, then they need to be as close as possible together & this may require the shifting of under bonet components.
Have a look at the Jaycar Dual Battery system. Much cheaper (under $100) & have all the features of the larger brand name dual battery systems.
Someone on these boards actually sells the Jaycar kit assembled & in a box ready for mounting. Do a search, I am sure you will find the guy.
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:19 pm
by rainsey
My requirements are as follows:-
Fridge in the back
Camping lights
Standard accessories such as 2 way radio etc etc etc
This is where I get conflicting info as when I shot off a query to TJM re their IBS system, the cranking battery (classed as the primary) servies the winch, and all other accesories work off the secondary (being a deep cycle).
Other people and vendors have stated that the winch connects to the no cranking battery.... oh I am so confused!
Re the Jaycar unit.. I have seen other posts mentioning this but when I go to the Jaycar web sit I cannot find it! The TJM IBS costs $450, something under $100 defininetly appelas to me. Can you or someone else point me to where I can find some info on the unit as our local Jaycar store is also a bit lame!!
The requirements I have are not unique as I am sure that most people have a winch and a fridge!! I realise that this is probably opening up details covered in a previous post but I realy would like to hear other peoples feedback on this as I have spoken to probably 6 or 7 stores now and each one has given me different info, needles to say I am getting bloody confused as to what to do!
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:38 pm
by Mytqik
Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:41 pm
by rainsey
Your a hero.. thankyou kindly.
To may Chardies to find the link obviously!
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:02 pm
by rainsey
I couldn't wait any longer!!
I removed the bracket supporting the fuel filter and water trap, cut the respective brackets off, removed an inch of metal and welded them back on and moved them up to the passengers side firewall. (had to do this so the bonnet would not hit them).
The radiator expansion tank and power steering resevour are mounted slightly forward of where they were and I now have space for a fill size cranking battery.
I am in the process at the moment of welding up a frame to hold the battery.
So much for the critics at the local ARB shop telling me that, due to the small secondary battery that I could put under the bonnet, that it was not cost effective to do....... he told me to consider selling the car and going with something else due to the supposed limitation of the Rodeo!
I'll put some pics together when I am finished for those that are interested.
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 8:43 pm
by rainsey
I have the battery fitted.. works a treat. Just have to figure out what isolator I go for.
I can now fit a standard 10" battery .. pics to follow:-
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:11 pm
by Mytqik
well done on that tray & install.
Looks as good as you are going to get from any of the big companies anyway.
Plus I bet it cost you less & you have the satisfaction that you built it yourself.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 12:23 am
by Westoztroopa
Mytqik wrote:well done on that tray & install.
Looks as good as you are going to get from any of the big companies anyway.
Plus I bet it cost you less & you have the satisfaction that you built it yourself.
And the satisfaction knowing that you've proved those narrow-minded ARB staff wrong!
Gives me a bit of inspiration to get my system in as I have a Rotronics isolator but nowhere to put the battery -yet.
Looks like a neat job. Well done Rainsey.
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:54 pm
by rainsey
Have just put in a 100A/H deep cycle battery for my accessories, installed a Megatronics regulator ( now this is the story for a different post !).
Now my next question is if anyone out there has upgraded their standard Rodeo alternator. Standard unit in my model diesel is a 60Amp unit. Bit tiny for trying to adequately recharge a deep cycle battery in a timely manner. Have spoken to a few shops while investigating isolators and they have all shuddered when I mentioned that I have an alternator with a vacumme pump connected to its rear!
Do not have space for a second unit so ideally want to upgrade the existing unit to say 100amp output either through a mod or replacement.
Any ideas?
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 2:44 am
by Mytqik
I would have thought that either a diesel L/C or Patrol would have been the go. just make sure they have the same pulley as your current alternator, then fab up a bracket to suit. Shouldn't be that hard.
If either are those are no goes, talk to a alt rebuilder, as he maybe able to have your current unit rewound to a higher amperage output.
Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:21 pm
by Utemad
I have a 1997 2.6L Rodeo. I got an ARB second battery tray fitted above the front passenger tyre close to the firewall and then moved the starter battery to that position and put a very big second battery in the original position. No probs.
I have a hydraulic winch but I hav been told for an electric you should run them off the strter battery as the engine should be running anyway plus a very high current discharge is suited to the starter battery not the deep cycle battery.
ARB was critical of my Rodeo too I think purely because they don't sell much for them. If you are up to fabbing your own stuff or modding existing stuff then there is lots you can do to them to make them better off road.
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 4:30 pm
by Vulcanised
I just moved my battery to the back of the ute to make way for intercooler tubes....... i and going to make some drawers for the back and i'm planning on possibly putting anotehr battery on the other side...... you did well to fit another one in that engine bay

I'm going mental trying to work out how to mount another aircon compressor to run as an air compressor.
good work!!
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 7:11 pm
by Utemad
I guess there are some benefits in having the 2.6L petrol motor.
Plenty of room for a second battery in there. Plus I have a third in the tray at the moment.
The auxillary battery is the big one on the left and the starting battery has been relocated to the RHS.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:24 pm
by andyr
Thanks for the food for thought guys.
Been trying to work out where to put the battery in my 98 V6 'deo - I'd also had the idea of above the passenger front guard but I'll need to move the emission charcoal canister amongst other things.
Time to get the tape measure out.....
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:07 pm
by saigo
Nice fit Rainsey,
I'm using a Airflow snorkel and its fitting to directly where the air box is, I only chose it cause it was $380. It'd work for you.
My second battery is in the tray is runs acc.
The winch runs off the starter battery as when winching for long periods I need the charge from the Altenator at it's best.
I've got a larger Altenator that was fitted before I bought the vechicle, I only found out when I went to change the belt. I needed a slightly longer belt then the one listed (next size up), I noticed the bracket had being extended, though not enough making it a real pain to get the belt on, Not sure weather its a 80amp or 100amp.
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:20 am
by sudso
Been trying to work out where to put the battery in my 98 V6 'deo - I'd also had the idea of above the passenger front guard but I'll need to move the emission charcoal canister amongst other things.
Local cops have 2 small ones, end to end, in their V6, wired together so are powering all things all the time.
Tight fit though.
Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:54 pm
by rainsey
saigo wrote:I'm using a Airflow snorkel and its fitting to directly where the air box is,
Say Saigo, did you put the snorkel in yourself?? If So any Gotchas.... I want the airflow as it has a better inlet that the safari. I take it the kit comes with some form of template but how did you cut the hole into the engine bay??