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Hilux Engine Conversion
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:29 am
by getarumupya
Gidday from a new member....
I'm been in the world of Commodores for the last year or so, and am wanting to purchase a Hilux in the very near future...
I have found a 1992 model that has a blown engine....just wondering how hard it is to drop in a Commodore V6 engine into it would be, and what prices I'd be looking at for the whole job....I was looking on Mark's 4WD site, and it's a tad confusing how he lists whats needed for the conversion.
I was just after a ballpark figure for the conversion...
Thanks in advanced,
Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:38 am
by De-lux
there is heaps of threads about this on this website...
i have been quoted $10K drive in, drive out by a few shops in brisbane(which is for a VN-VS model engine, TH700 box, adapters, mounts, wiring, installation) but it would be substantially cheaper if you were to do it yourself.
have a poke around the tojo section and you will find a lot of helpful info

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:03 pm
by I.M.P.O.S.E
Im almost finished a V6 conversion to a Bundera! I used the manual G/Box, which ment that the adaptor was dearer and also needed clutch and slave cylinder and stuff!
If you run the auto box you can get the transfer adaptor for about $650ish (compared to $925 for the manual one), engine mounts are $275 and you can also get sumps and stuff of them!
Find a mate that can weld (one engine mount post has to be shifted-pretty sure the same as hilux), get someone that can wire it, buy a damaged commodore (from about $500^ for VN SII - depending on what model you want) and then start getiing into it yourself!
Besides being fun and rewarding in doing it yourself you will save all in labour! I had quotes also upto like $10k!! (Done for about half that!)
Cheers hopes that helps alittle!
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 8:07 pm
by mattsluxtruck
Hi there for what my opinion is worth when me and my brother were doing my 89 lux when he owned it i found the marks gear to be overpriced and not enough info. Also i found their customer phone service poor to say the least. I may be biased but from past experiance with mates trucks i just dont like marks gear. I used dellow in sydney absolutely no probs all the help i could ask for , detailed instruction and best part engineer approved first go! Whilst its off the line a little my v8 conversion complete kit to five speed from dellow cost $985 and that was absolutely every thing it was a true bolt in and drive off. Entire conversion including motor kit lpg conversion fitment( i had the gear) and engineers cost just under $3000.Best money ever spent on the truck. Yeah whilst it is a v8 it just shows what you can do with thourgh investigation and shopping around for what money if you are prepared to swing the spanners yourself. Need any help yell me im a sparky and my brothers a mechanic. Too easy!
Cheers Matt
Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:42 pm
by I.M.P.O.S.E
Yes they can be done cheap!
A mate did v6 auto to lux. Got a whole commodore for a carton of Crownies. Sold what was left for $200
Got transfer adaptor from Marks $650
Made mounts for about $40
He did all the work himself including wiring, p/s and air con set up.
Engineer first go with only comment that he got carried away with the welds on the mounts $220
Probable $250 in bits and pieces.
Not bad for a Grand!
Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:16 pm
by madmont
I did mine myself Bolted the transfer off a 4speed onto the back of a t700
using original toyota part. Just needed a spigot ring, a few holes lined up for the screws, shorten and spline the output shaft of the t700 and make a sleeve to connect .easy as . Made up my own brackets for the commodore mounts and bolted them to the original toyota brackets on the chassis. Custom radiator 16inch davies craig fan fits behind radiator
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:15 am
by vrunner
Hey Madmont
How did you shorten and re-spline your output shaft? Did you do it or did you get someone to do it for you??
I'm about to make my own adaptor to put Hilux transfer case behind a Holden Trimatic and it will follow along the same lines as what you have done.
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 12:31 pm
by madmont
Being a machinist I was able to do it myself you need a lathe, milling machine and dividing head. T700 was easy enough dont know about trimatic
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 8:23 am
by vrunner
Just wondering Madmont if you had to get the shaft rehardened after you did the machining on it? If so who did it and was it expensive?
Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 10:15 pm
by bubs
good work on the T700 conversion
here is mine for a A340E toy auto to hilux transfer
made from 3 pieces of steel welded together than machined spigots for the auto and t-case and drilled holes ... php?id=767 ... php?id=768 ... php?id=769
Here it is with the 4 speed extension housing on it ... php?id=771
Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:41 pm
by madmont
Nice work Bubs looks like you might not need a spline on your output shaft although looking at your pics you do need a mounting point for your speed sensor you probably just have not done it yet
Vrunner i did not harden the spline that axle steel is good stuff and i ran it for about 10 years no problem
My current setup is 1uzfe with a341e auto that came with it ,with transfer off a340h and the valve body from the a340h not much machining necessary [all in alloy] I used the a340h transfer because I had it. the a340f transfer would have been better
this link may be handy if you have to dismantle your a340e ... T_001.html