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Goatsack TJ gets Claytoned

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:27 am
by Gordo
A work in progress the Goatsack 97 Tj has been at M&M Custom Engineering for 2 days now getting Claytonised (Like Tigger's rig before it) with a 4 link Clayton Long arm 4 link kit.

Just thought I'd post some in progress shots as a teaser for the upcoming Jeep Action mag article.

Full field testing will sort out any bugs at the XWC Round #1 in 2 weeks time at LCMP, Jimna Qld.

One more day (3 total for the install) at the skillful hands of the guys at M&M Custom Engineering and it'll be ready to bring home.

Thanks heaps to ABT4x4 for getting it all happening.

Cheers, Gordo the Goatlover


Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 1:57 pm
by I.M.P.O.S.E
Hey champ

Im not a member over at ausjeep, but I regularly check things out there.
From what Tigger said about his kit, you shouldn't go wrong with this set-up. Besides that it looks the part, very tuff looking in its construction. Good luck with the rest of the conversion and keep us posted on its result.


Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:39 pm
by Gordo
Cheers IMPOSE, Yeah certainly looks beef enough. Near gave me a hernia just lifting a lower arm ;) And Tigger is rapt with his.

Will be submitting the full writeup to Jeep Action mag. Not so much a step by step install (as Claytons destructions are pretty good) but some things for others to consider and impressions on the trail.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:55 pm
by I.M.P.O.S.E
Gordo wrote:Cheers IMPOSE, Yeah certainly looks beef enough. Near gave me a hernia just lifting a lower arm ;) And Tigger is rapt with his.

Will be submitting the full writeup to Jeep Action mag. Not so much a step by step install (as Claytons destructions are pretty good) but some things for others to consider and impressions on the trail.

Yeah I saw that you a doing the feature for Jeep Action. The mag is always a good read so look forward to reading that.

I think a lot more of these kits will start surfacing on our local scene too.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:59 pm
by Gordo
Yeah most likely. I haven't been able to find a bad report on one anywhere yet, surprising when you consider the number of people running them in the US now.

usually SOMEONE manages to grenade it doing something stupid ;)

..hopefully I won't be the 1st !

Surprisingly - the Rockkrawler LA kit which abt4x4 do also has a BEEFIER axle truss for the rear uppers than the Claytons.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:06 pm
by Thor
why didn't you go the rock krawler setup since tigger and lexx's customer already went the claytons route?

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:16 pm
by Gordo
Thor wrote:why didn't you go the rock krawler setup since tigger and lexx's customer already went the claytons route?

Hey Thor,
I kinda didn't pull my finger out fast enough and get to be #1 abt4x4 guinea pig for the kit (xmas, repairs, usual BS) but always was keen for it and as I said the research showed it appeared to be a well made kit and I didn't know as much about the RK gear.

Can't really comment on how it performs personally as it's still got 1 day left of install.

The RK LA kit I saw at m&m looks very well made also and should find it's way into a TJ somewhere soon.

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 3:50 pm
by tigger
Thor wrote:why didn't you go the rock krawler setup since tigger and lexx's customer already went the claytons route?

I've also seen that new Rockkrawler kit, and i gotta say it looks pretty damn good, from what i understand it is not as expensive as the claytons kit either. After seeing the way Gordo drives, it's no wonder he wanted the clayton kit, it can take a beating :P I actually copied gordo's clayton idea, but managed to sneak in first :armsup:

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:43 pm
by sir_camel
Yea i want the RK kit so bad but totally cant afford it till middle of year.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:43 am
by Gordo
SC, It's only money dude.

i'm used to living wihout kidneys can too ! :D

Drove the sack home from m&m last night at 10pm during the hume tsunami overtaking trucks getting blown about in the downpour. Felt well solid ! spare undies not required.

Still gotta chuck the ox tongue pitman arm on tonight at home (to get some clearance I've needed for ages) but the highway ride is superb.

Love the angle of the rear diff now too - very sweeeeet. Gonna wind the rear arms out an extra inch too (nads said you did the same Tig ?) they're out at 1" over factory now but an extra 1" is always nicer...

The Edelbrock remote shocks are way too bling for me :shock: Gotta go get some mud on em and ding em up a bit. The poor old RS9000's look like they had been used in a few extreme fighting tournments.

And my Lochleigh tactical sidesteps even still fit too ! V happy...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:11 am
by Timmy
what sort of money does the RK LA kit go for?....

and can the long arms and brackets be bought just as an upgrade?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:28 am
by Gordo
sorry Timmy NFI. Give mczook a PM and he's got all the dirt on RK and Clayton gear.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 11:42 am
by Timmy
thanks, done ;)