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60 series power steering

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:11 am
by FrdOz
Hi Guys!
Couple of questions for the technical gurus.

I have had to replace the power-steering pump on my 84 60 series (early model HJ60, 6 bolts pump). After finding the last pump in the whole of Brisbane at a wreckers, it turns out it doesn't work.

1- I am not a mechanic but have followed all the procedures in the workshop manual to fit the pump and bleed the system, but still no power-steering. Is there anything anyone can think off apart from the pump not working?

2- Can a later model pump (4 bolts) be fitted instead of the older ones? They are more available 2nd hand or recond. I know they work at different pressures, would that be a problem and would there be other problems?

Any input welcome.