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What snorkel to buy
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 8:32 am
by EFI Bundera
I'm thinking of fitting a snorkel to my Bundera (having some pinging problems because of under bonnet temp's), and was just wondering what brands other people recommend.
By the way, the vehicle is a 1985 Bundera.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:37 am
as far as i know brands dont really matter in the way of snorkels. personal i making one for mine, but for a brand i would probably buy a air tech the are good aparently. i dont really know so just make one then at least you know it'll work and be the best for you.
sorry if i was no help.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:39 am
by ausyota
I have a safari on my lux.
Its good, it does resonate a bit but you get that.
I would either get a safari or a homemade jobbie (maybe some bling bling stainless steel tubing

Re: What snorkel to buy
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 10:23 am
by Mav Chick
EFI Bundera wrote:I'm thinking of fitting a snorkel to my Bundera (having some pinging problems because of under bonnet temp's), and was just wondering what brands other people recommend.
By the way, the vehicle is a 1985 Bundera.
I used to own a 1988 Bundera and found the best snorkel to fit was to suit an 80 series, it seemed to go on without too much hassle and looked better than any made snorkel.
Also to fix you overheating problems, try fitting a GU Bonnet Scoop and raising the back to the bonnet up to let the hot air escape, I've done that to my Mav and it runs alot cooler.
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:23 am
by Juzza
Safari are the highest quality on the market, easiest to fit and match the panel shape the best. They also flow better than other brands. Otherwise make your own out of stainless pipe. :wink:
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 9:26 am
I have found that brands like safari and airtek dont make them. Most bundy owners fit 75 series snorkels. I have not fitted any to mine but I will when I get the money...
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 10:14 am
by Singo17
Juzza wrote:Safari are the highest quality on the market, easiest to fit and match the panel shape the best. They also flow better than other brands. Otherwise make your own out of stainless pipe. :wink:
Sorry dude I have to disagree here. Tip for Snorkels go to a Toyota Dealer and ask. Most sell both brands safari/airtech.
Here is what I found. 98 Hilux 3.0l D went to the dealer asked about snorkels this is before all copy stuff (ie 4WD sytems etc) quote "depends on the model you got we find on some the airtech is better and on others the safari. On your model we have had nothing but problems with Safari go the airtech but if you had the 2.8 we would go Safari"
He didin't give a shit about brands just what worked and what didn't he said if i really wanted a bling bling safari get it (alot do this because it's the bling) but it's up to you.
Now I got the Airtech and no probs no resonator prob better fuel economy and all that shiz.
My mate went bling even after I told him to ask the dude and he had nothing but problems it was off the truck 3 times in a week and ended up bootie fab after all the extra shizza he stuck on it to quiten it down.
Yeah and both were exactly the same price at the time.
So yeah I would just ask a couple of questions of a dealer not an Offroad shop.
Q1 how brands of snorkel do you sell
A. 1 Response, thank you hang up
A. if tow or more ask which one would suit the model best if the reply is much of a muchness. thanyou hang up and ring another dealer until you get a parts guy who gives a shit about the stuff he sells.
The guy at Seymour (never buy a truck from there the salesman is a gooba) Toyota is one on these passionate about his shizza ring him if still in doubt.
Barring all that go S.C.U.B.A then you can just DIVE it

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 5:36 pm
just make one they look better than some plastic thing any way. atleast if it is metal u can polish it.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:05 pm
by purefmx
i used to run a safari on my old zook, personally it was the best looking snorkel ive seen, then my lux had a home made one, constructed from stainless. Take your measurements to an exhaust shop and see what they quote ya, remember that mandrel bent is the way to go for looks and performance, however this style of pipe bending is often more expensive.
Just as another thought, why not try some local engineering firms, i've had some stuff made up for a carton of *iss, and 9 times out of ten the quality of workmanship is better. Remember that aluminium will polish, however ferous metal wont i.e mild steel etc. Stainless will always have a hi lusture.
Hope it helps
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 7:46 pm
by Bundytime
i have a genuine toyota snorkel on my Bundy, think its off a 70 series of some sort, Mav chick might know as she knew the car it came off originally..........

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 1:26 am
by Juzza
Singo17 wrote:Juzza wrote:Safari are the highest quality on the market, easiest to fit and match the panel shape the best. They also flow better than other brands. Otherwise make your own out of stainless pipe. :wink:
Sorry dude I have to disagree here. Tip for Snorkels go to a Toyota Dealer and ask. Most sell both brands safari/airtech.
Here is what I found. 98 Hilux 3.0l D went to the dealer asked about snorkels this is before all copy stuff (ie 4WD sytems etc) quote "depends on the model you got we find on some the airtech is better and on others the safari. On your model we have had nothing but problems with Safari go the airtech but if you had the 2.8 we would go Safari"
He didin't give a ***** about brands just what worked and what didn't he said if i really wanted a bling bling safari get it (alot do this because it's the bling) but it's up to you.
Now I got the Airtech and no probs no resonator prob better fuel economy and all that shiz.
My mate went bling even after I told him to ask the dude and he had nothing but problems it was off the truck 3 times in a week and ended up bootie fab after all the extra shizza he stuck on it to quiten it down.
Yeah and both were exactly the same price at the time.
So yeah I would just ask a couple of questions of a dealer not an Offroad shop.
Q1 how brands of snorkel do you sell
A. 1 Response, thank you hang up
A. if tow or more ask which one would suit the model best if the reply is much of a muchness. thanyou hang up and ring another dealer until you get a parts guy who gives a ***** about the stuff he sells.
The guy at Seymour (never buy a truck from there the salesman is a gooba) Toyota is one on these passionate about his shizza ring him if still in doubt.
Barring all that go S.C.U.B.A then you can just DIVE it

at DIVE it.
Just a couple of things Singo, Hiluxes fitted with either the 2L, 3L, 5L and 5L-E diesel engines almost always have some degree of snorkel resonance or vibration, regardless of brand of snorkel. These engines have some sort of harmonic pulse or vibration that is transferred through the intake ducting. Fitting a snorkel to these vehicles almost always allows this vibration to be amplified by the air cleaner housing, mudguard, indicator assembly, inner guard grille and any other object in this vicinity that can resonate. These trucks if fitted with an aftermarket turbo system dont suffer as badly if at all with this problem.
The Airtec snorkel designed for '97 on hiluxes can also limit the amount of boost obtained (due to poor flow) when tuning aftermarket turbos on these vehicles.
Airtec do however make a few models that appear to flow better than the Safari equivalent, GU patrol Airtec/ genuine Nissan GU snorkel being one of these.
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 4:25 pm
by BeZeRK
We fit a fair few snorkels and safari are by far the best to work with... they have a cleaner flow for the air (less bends and larger tubes) and simply, they are alwayz easy to fit, the others do not always seem to line up correctly and do not alwayz seem to sit right...
Buy or Make?
Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 7:19 pm
G'day all,
you all seem to say make a snorkel, is this because you can make it to better suit your needs? do you get better air flow.
I was going to buy a snorkel (not sure on brand) because they are neat and fit nicely compared to a home made job. Thats just me.