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24v winch wiring??

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 4:46 pm
I am about to install a warn winch (24v) to my Safari, but have NO idea how to wire it up.
At present it has an earth lead, and a 2 pin plug going into the remote/controller box.

Is this 2 pin plug (which goes to the remote plug) just a +,- for the remote, and do I just need to run a power lead to each battery (since its 24v) for the power?

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:28 am
by Snabelost
There is two big cables that you connect to give power to the winch.

One is ground and the other (probably a red one) is supposed to be connected to one of the batterys. If the batterys is located as in my MK (driver on the left side) then you should connect the red vire to the left battery, on the positive terminal. All directions is when sitting in the car looking forward.

+ [12V battery] - vire between batterys + [12V battery] - to ground
|___________________+ [winch] -___________ to ground

Be sure to install a good 300A+ rated switch between the battery and the winch. It good to have in case of solenoid failure.

Do you understand my "picture"? =)


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:19 am
by bazzle
Always run BOTH heavy cables direct to the battery. Dont run earth to chassis as voltage drops thru connections Will impede winch performance.


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:16 am
Sorry, still a little confused. :roll:

The earth lead is connected to the winch, but I have no power leads on it.
On the motor there are 3 wires I can connect to (looks like F,F,A) but dont know which does what, and I would have thought I would need to run cables to BOTH batteries to get the required 24v :?

The other problem is in the controller box, which uses 4 wires for the controller, 2 of which are connected to the solenoids, but the other 2 (red and white) go to a 2 pin plug.
Are these just another +,- for powering the controller?


Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:13 pm
by bazzle
Post up some pix.
Should be 3 heavy power leads from solenoid box to 3 terminals on winch.
Also One earth lead (heavy ) from winch motor case tp neg batt.
And one heavy red wire from solenoid box to pos batt.

Solenoid box to switch should have minimum 3 light duty leads.


Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 5:19 am

He's got pics, instructions and wiring diragrams for the Warn 24Volt 8000lb winch setup on the GQ Safari/Patrol.
