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Moving diff forward on 84 lux

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:04 pm
by batcho101
Can any one explain to me how to go abotu moving the diff forward to fit bigger tyres?
and what woudl i need to buy/change?
regards batcho101

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:30 pm
by Da Lux
drill a hole furtha forward on ya main leaf, or re drill centre pin hole on yr spring perch back, or cut and move front hangers forward, and extend leaf

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:54 am
by slosh
I've considered drilling hole in spring b4 but warned strongly against it. Apparently cracks the spring between new and old hole when flexing.

Redrilling spring perch on diff good idea tho, you get 40mm or so that way.

Have you considered rear springs up front? 50mm gain there.


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:31 am
by batcho101
thanks guys i was considering rears up front but not for now as i already have the front maked out i just want bigger tyres.
do u have to modify the arm that runs from your pitman arm to the bananna arm on the hub?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:13 am
by bubs
yes and you will also need to shorten the torque arm, or throw it away like I did, it makes no difference to the handling of the vehicle i found but many will tell you other wise

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:00 pm
by batcho101
i thought the torgue rod was there to stop brake steer due to the steering setup on the lux's.............did you have crossover when u did it bubs?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:25 pm
by bubs
no, no cross over

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:27 pm
by 83 lux
no he didnt and i did the same and never have had a problem 2 years later

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:33 pm
by batcho101
thanks guys so u reckon just redrill the spring perch adn take out the torgue rod?
woudl i get by without changign the arm from the pitman arm back to the banana?
and how far back shoudl i redrill the hole?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:36 pm
by bubs
batcho101 wrote:thanks guys so u reckon just redrill the spring perch adn take out the torgue rod?
woudl i get by without changign the arm from the pitman arm back to the banana?
and how far back shoudl i redrill the hole?

you will need to shorten the drag link, you redrill the passenger side perch 34mm back approx, and redrill your bumpstops and bolt it all back together

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:44 pm
by benno_from_brizvegas

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:55 pm
by batcho101
i dont think that lengthening your driveshaft woudl be necessary as it is only moving it forward by say 35 mm which shouldnt wory it at all...and going from bubs and 83lux i think i will just get rid of the torgue rod cause it is Grimace anyway.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:01 pm
by Aza
ur drive shaft will be fine, its long enough to cater for the little extra distance

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:27 am
by bubs
forgot that bit you will need to lengthen it or make a spacer, make a spacer it is easier

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:09 am
by phippsy
bubs wrote: you redrill the passenger side perch 34mm back approx, and redrill your bumpstops and bolt it all back together

drivers side the same I assume???

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:45 am
by ausyota
phippsy wrote:
bubs wrote: you redrill the passenger side perch 34mm back approx, and redrill your bumpstops and bolt it all back together

drivers side the same I assume???

Actually its only the drivers side you need to drill. The passengers side allready has the extra hole from the factory.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:15 am
by bubs
dolp, i thought it was the drivers side, one side perch already has 3 holes in it, the other has one, redrill the one with one hole

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:33 am
by 83 lux
ausyota wrote:
phippsy wrote:
bubs wrote: you redrill the passenger side perch 34mm back approx, and redrill your bumpstops and bolt it all back together

drivers side the same I assume???

Actually its only the drivers side you need to drill. The passengers side allready has the extra hole from the factory.

some dont

and you will need to run a spacer

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:13 pm
by batcho101
are you sure i will have to get a front spacer as i dont have that great flex in it so i was hoping to get away with it................surely 35mm wont matter?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:25 pm
by 83 lux
yes it will

and if you use your view (35mm wont matter) dont move the diff forward
use will need a spacer or alike dude

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:27 pm
by batcho101
ok then which company makes up fairly cheap spacers? what woudl be the biggest spacer i should get?

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:13 pm
by benno_from_brizvegas
I was told that it is better to extend the shaft properly, as using a spacer increases the angle at the uni joint, which would be bad when flexed out.

not that I have any flex :D

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:28 pm
by Aza
benno_from_brizvegas wrote:I was told that it is better to extend the shaft properly, as using a spacer increases the angle at the uni joint, which would be bad when flexed out.

not that I have any flex :D

not really sure but if u move the diff 35mm forward and put a 35mm spacer, wont it be the same angle :?:, and bubs i aint putting any kind of spacer or anything in mine am i :?:

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:25 am
by bubs
Aza wrote:
benno_from_brizvegas wrote:I was told that it is better to extend the shaft properly, as using a spacer increases the angle at the uni joint, which would be bad when flexed out.

not that I have any flex :D

not really sure but if u move the diff 35mm forward and put a 35mm spacer, wont it be the same angle :?:, and bubs i aint putting any kind of spacer or anything in mine am i :?:

You will be getting your front drive shaft exteneded