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1. Routed started motor 2. Overheating in diesel Hilux
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:28 pm
by benno_from_brizvegas
hi guys
Question 1.
My starter motor finally packed it in today. It spins heaps quick but doesn't engage the flywheel.
Is it likely that I can pull it down, grease it up and get it working? Anything in particular to check for?
Question 2.
And, the POS is overheating on the highway. Only when doin 100km/h or so. I flushed the rad a while ago, I used some chemical shyte from Repco, and the good ole garden hose.
Is it worth getting flushed professionally? I've heard they can do a much better job. Any easy way to check whether the rad is blocked up before I do? How much should it cost?
The thermostat seems to open far enough (8mm or so, depending where you measure) at 100 degrees, but doesn't seem to close when cool, is this normal?
I'm guessing not, but seeing as it still opens far enough when hot, it seems to be unlikely to be causing the overheating.
All the shrouds, tinware etc are installed. Typical alloy bar, with two small spotties on it. Like most other hiluxes really.
Thanks guys,
Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:31 pm
by MissDrew
My 2.8 only ever got hot when the rad was full of mud, once cleaned the gauge never moved.
Re: 1. Routed started motor 2. Overheating in diesel Hilux
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:24 am
by De-lux
benno_from_brizvegas wrote:hi guys
Question 1.
My starter motor finally packed it in today. It spins heaps quick but doesn't engage the flywheel.
did you try belting the starter motor with a hammer / spanner etc? you might be able to make it engage by giving it a knock.
if you have more dramas read this thread of mine that happened a while ago and with the awesome help of the peeps on this board i saved myself a shitload of bling and headaches.
its not exactly relevant but might help a little.
i took the starter to an auto leckie and i think it ended up costing me $50 to get it rebuilt. money well spent if you ask me.
best of luck

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 1:37 pm
by Slayer
had probs with my radiator.. tried flushin in, tried the clutch fan, all that stuff.. priced a new one at 400 odd bucks, ended up payin 180 to have the tanks taken off and the cores cleaned out, and a new top hose spout put on that goes at rightagles to miss turbo pipework.. so id say 150 max to have the top tank melted off and the cores checked out... guy said mine was about 1/3 blocked.. he painted it all up and it looks like new, got a australia wide warrenty too..
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 6:31 pm
by benno_from_brizvegas
Thanks guys.
I noticed this morning that the earth cable was buggered, so I replaced that. As I was taking the old one off it fell apart, I don't think it could have been carrying much current.
After that it started intermittently, so I took the starter motor out, cleaned and greased everything up, filed the solonoid contacts clean and put it all back together.
It's still pretty intermittent,
Any more ideas on where to go from here other than go get a reco or 2nd hand starter motor?
Anyone got any ideas about the thermostat thing?
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:02 pm
by plowy
Try replacing that crap thermostate to begin with its cheap n easy to do
they should close shut when cold
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:55 pm
by Slayer
cant see the thermostat causin any troubles, if its openin then its all good, dont buy a new one, i did that, didnt do anythin.. maybe in the long run.. like if its not closing u might need it in the winter or yr donk will never warm up.. but for now just take it out to iliminate it from the problem.... is your cooling system pressurising, like if u take the cap off does shit go everywhere.. coolent will boil lower if its not under pressure..
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:26 pm
by Gribble
benno_from_brizvegas wrote:Thanks guys.
I noticed this morning that the earth cable was buggered, so I replaced that. As I was taking the old one off it fell apart, I don't think it could have been carrying much current.
After that it started intermittently, so I took the starter motor out, cleaned and greased everything up, filed the solonoid contacts clean and put it all back together.
It's still pretty intermittent,
Any more ideas on where to go from here other than go get a reco or 2nd hand starter motor?
Anyone got any ideas about the thermostat thing?
My starter motor clapped out a year ago, its was something like $350 to get a reco's one, so i stripped it down and the pull in winding wire was busted, i just soldered it back together and it hasn't given me any grief since.
When you pull the back bit off the solenoid you will notice two wires going into the solenoid, one wire powers some windings to pull the solenoid in, the other powers a second set to hold the solenoid in. Got that?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:17 am
by killalux
if the starter is spinning then the electrical side of things is fine and it will still be actually throwing out, but there is an overrunning type clutch built into the drive assembly, and it is quite common for these to wear out and slip under load. you should be able to get a reco clutch assembly from an auto electrician, cant remember off the top off my head how much they are but pretty sure they are under $100.
and while you have it off and apart i would recomend replacing the contacts and plunger as these are pretty common to wear out and cause the starter to just click intermitently, should be around $30 for contacts and plunger.
Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:06 pm
by benno_from_brizvegas
Sweet, thanks guys.
I just went to have a look at it again (it's parked at my old mans place now).
The flywheel is ok, thank phark.
killalux, this clutch assy, would it allow the gear to spin freely in one direction only? Cause at the mo, it spins real easy in one direction, but takes a fair bit of effort to get it to spin in the other direction.
I'm thinking it's the solonoid wiring at this stage, though the visible wires (once the back of the solonoid is off) are fine. I couldn't see how the actual wiring assy comes out though, anyone know if I could do this at home?
I might just have to look for a new one
Thanks guys,
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:23 am
by brad-chevlux
benno_from_brizvegas wrote:Sweet, thanks guys.
I just went to have a look at it again (it's parked at my old mans place now).
The flywheel is ok, thank phark.
killalux, this clutch assy, would it allow the gear to spin freely in one direction only? Cause at the mo, it spins real easy in one direction, but takes a fair bit of effort to get it to spin in the other direction.
I'm thinking it's the solonoid wiring at this stage, though the visible wires (once the back of the solonoid is off) are fine. I couldn't see how the actual wiring assy comes out though, anyone know if I could do this at home?
I might just have to look for a new one
Thanks guys,
it should spin in one direction and not in the other,
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:56 pm
by ferrit
we got a 2.7kw starter from Ashdown industries for our 2.8D a few years ago for about $450....stock yota one was 2.5kw and $1600 (they must have forgotten to take the lexus badge off it)
the ashdown ones is better sealed than the toyota ones too.....
Oh, and ours fused the stator in, and cranked for nearly 4 mins before we got the bloody battery disconected....
clutch jammed out, so we drove it home with the starter engaged onto the flywheel.....
hell they make a whine when the motors spinning at 3000rpm

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 2:52 pm
by benno_from_brizvegas
Ended up getting one from the wreckers for $150.
Just in case anyone is interested, the 2L motors had two (at least, that I know of) different starter motors that are interchangeable. I know have a bigger one
I pulled the thermostat out, will see how she goes on the drive down to the goldie on tuesday.
Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 4:27 pm
by brad-chevlux
ferrit wrote:we got a 2.7kw starter from Ashdown industries for our 2.8D a few years ago for about $450....stock yota one was 2.5kw and $1600 (they must have forgotten to take the lexus badge off it)
the ashdown ones is better sealed than the toyota ones too.....
Oh, and ours fused the stator in, and cranked for nearly 4 mins before we got the bloody battery disconected....
clutch jammed out, so we drove it home with the starter engaged onto the flywheel.....
hell they make a whine when the motors spinning at 3000rpm

yeah starter motors don't like spinning at 45000rpm!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:45 pm
by luxinator
If your thermo is opening it should be ok that rad flushout stuff does work i flushed mine a while ago after i boiled it on the cleaned out heaps of shit and now i have no problems to have it done properly it will cost bout $140 rip off.