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yn67 - 88 Hilux Missing.... HELP

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:22 pm
by savage
could some people please list some of hte most likely causes of the 4Y missing... i have replaced spark plugs, fuel filter and rotor, all of which seem to improve the car, but it stilll feels rough and seems to be missing... any help appreciated


Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:31 pm
by 4sum4
little more info,like dose it do it all the time or just when your got the foot down, does it back fire or ping of its head

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:28 pm
by savage
it does it all the time, it doesnt back fire but was just missing so much grunt coz of the obviousness of not getting all its fuel to max use... after much more investigation and a visit of my uncle looking for a screwdriver, who happens to be a mechanic, it was a sparkplug... just had oiled up and shit and was makin hte whole car run shitty, the interesting thing was the new sparkplug wasnt so much oiled up, just didnt get the right amount of spark coming through, after i swapped it for one out of the back of his wagon, it was right as rain

thanks for the input 4sum4!

cyas round