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Fuel Pump
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:24 am
by FEROZA 01
Hi All
Just have a question. . .
Recently bought my Feroza (Narrow Trak 92 Model)
Am slowly working on my mods and I came across this problem (i hope not) but it annoys me as I dont know what is going on.
The Fuel Pump/ motor is pretty loud. . .like a pinging noise. . . is that meant to be loud??
am also getting the fuel smell inside. . .damn I dont wanna be driving and getting 'high' at the same time.
Thanks for any help.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:30 pm
by Ferozaahhh
Try using BP Ultimate or High octane fuel. That will stop the pinging i think you are talking about.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 5:59 pm
by murcod
Fuel smell will be a leak in the rear drivers side panel (behind the rear speaker.) There's some breather lines and a small fume reservoir in there; usually either the one way valve, or the black plastic reservoir with the pipes running to it will be cracked. See FAQ's.

The crack will be hard to see.
I stuck mine up with Araldite two years ago and haven't been "high" since! Daihatsu should really have done a recall for this- imagine if someone lit up a cigarette in the car!!
You shouldn't be able to hear the fuel pump once the engine is running. Mine makes a low humming noise when ignition is switched to "ON", but impossible to hear once the engine is started.
Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:17 pm
by FEROZA 01
thanks Murcod
will check the FAQ. The humming noise is pretty loud, i could hear it when am driving-The Fuel smell is also getting worse as in a lot stronger smell than when i first got the Car, that was like about 2 months ago.
Guess i better not smoke in the Car while driving.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:30 pm
by murcod
Try fixing the smell first and see if the noise is related- it's possible?!?
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:05 am
by SimplyPV
murcod wrote:Try fixing the smell first and see if the noise is related- it's possible?!?
yes its possible. reason being is because the fuel tanks tend to be pressureized and if it doesnt have pressure, the pumps have to work harder which thus makes it louder in order to deliever the same fuel ratio to the fuel lines. you should atleast see an improvement in noise of the fuel pump once you fix the fume leak and seal it off.
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:41 pm
by FEROZA 01
the black plastic reservoir with the pipes running to it wasn't cracked, I blocked it and submerse it in the water to see if theres any bubbles coming out. . .nothing there, I was paranoid so I put some Araldite all around just to make sure. Every tip of the pipes were damped for some reason so I changed the every clamps brand new. After 2 days the smell was still there
but the noise level was less that it was before so thats a good thing. It seems like am gonna have to replace the hoses/pipes connecting to the black plastic reservoir and see if that makes a difference. In the mean time my fez gets me high going to work .damn it!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:46 pm
by murcod
Did you check the little one way plastic valve thingy? That can also apparently crack and cause smells.
Another possiblity is the line to the charcoal canister is blocked off, causing excess pressure in the tank and is forcing the fumes out the pipe joins into the cabin.
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:26 pm
by FEROZA 01
"Another possiblity is the line to the charcoal canister is blocked off, causing excess pressure in the tank and is forcing the fumes out the pipe joins into the cabin."
-Thats a good point, you're probably right there. Thats probably the reason why every tip of the pipes were damped a little. . . Anyways what I did was put some Araldite in every ending of the pipes, where you put the clamps to tighten it, including the little black valve thingy at the top.
Thought i do this first before spending my money on new pipes.
The next day

no more smell; no more getting high

. . .now back to reading the FAQ am planning to make my fez a bit beefy- thanks for the help/info.!!!
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 7:46 am
by murcod
You'll find your fuel economy will be a lot better now too.
I was over the moon when I finally fixed mine.