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Kyle Picks Yellow Rangie -Spring Rates???

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 7:41 am
Hey people, Goodmorning :D

I have seen a big yellow rangie getting round on the gold coast and I was just wondering if it was by any chance Kyles rangie that can be found in issue No.75 page 191 4WD Monthly Mag?

The main reason i ask is I am interested in his Lovells and the spring rate he is using but I wouldnt mind having a look at the entire setup b4 i go ahead and order my new 4"lift springs.

If it isnt Kyles or if anyone knows any more about it please I would love some info... if i ever see it again I am gonna follow it and check it out :D
It was stopped/parked out the front of a supercheap store on brisbane road last weekend I should have stopped then but was busy :roll:

Any other forum members using lovells springs in there range rovers? ? and if so what rates are you happy with? ?


Lovells/torque convertor thingo

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:16 pm
by Suspension Stuff
When are you going to show me this torque converter thingo, No. 0409 593 414. Your 4b is still working isn't it. I sell lovells suspension with varying spring rates and I can get you a 2nd steering damper that you saw on Brad's Maverick that he has for sale in Logan Village.


Re: Lovells/torque convertor thingo

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:35 pm
4WD Stuff wrote:When are you going to show me this torque converter thingo, No. 0409 593 414. Your 4b is still working isn't it. I sell lovells suspension with varying spring rates and I can get you a 2nd steering damper that you saw on Brad's Maverick that he has for sale in Logan Village.


WTF :shock: you been spying on me :lol: I see you know Brad... I liked his Mav :cool:
I can prob make a time to go out ormeau this weekend but the car is still fast down hill (28:1 crawl ratio and 37s is still fast downhills even with the convertor locked :D).... but you will get a rough idea of it all :D
And yeah i am interested in the Lovells :)

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:06 pm
by defender kev
I just had a look in the mag and it says his front springs are 4"lift 230lb and the rear 240lb.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:45 pm
yes i noticed that too thats why i wanted to have a squiz at his truck to get an ideaof just how hard / soft it was in the suspension department.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:14 pm
by hang over
Kyle,s a mate of mine I help him build it,its a soft ride but handles fairly well for a big truck, its about 13"_ 14" higher than stock. The bilstein shocks make a big differance. It could do with 240lb f-270lb r but it gets full flex, about 30" of travel.


Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:01 pm
Thanks Gary thats the sorta feed back i was after :armsup:
Might PM you sumtime to further discuss sum items of interests, thanks again.