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King Springs :?
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:55 am
by zerosignal
I'm sure some of you ppl out there have had experiences with King springs. I am in need of a lift and coil overs are insanely expensive. A mate of mine has organised for me to send springs and shocks to kings and they will make up a kit.... They have said they have been looking for someone to do this for a while as they get requests for the kits just no one is good enough or dumb enough to hold up there hand...... Any views... ideas... opinions...
Help would be greatly appreciated

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:06 am
by Bitsamissin
The only thing I can say is that King springs have a good reputation and I'm sure they would come through.
Haven't ARB or TJM got a lift kit ??
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:25 am
by -Scott-
Whoever it was that voted "Bad Idea" - could you at least explain why? We'd like to benefit from your experience.
Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:11 am
by zerosignal
Checked almost everywhere and no one seems to do a kit for them in OZ. I can get coil over lift kits out of Japan but they only give me a 30-40mm lift and cost $2700.00

This is just a little out of my budget... as I'm getting married in 10 months time....
Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:42 pm
by Glennb
I had a little trouble with them as I wanted a 2" lift on my shorty, which I was told they do and I wanted Kings as I had them in the ford and they were great. But I had 2 set of king spring put in and both only gave me a 20mm lift.Then I was told to put in LWB spring to get 40mm+ lift which I ended up doing(not kings). In saying all that , it was through a tyre/4x4 dealer so I dont know who was spinning the crap.And I guess the trouble wasnt on the spings it self.
ps. I didnt vote bad idea