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Pitman arm and drag link
Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:23 pm
Just went for my pink slip and failed due to excessive movement in the ball joint, They lifted the front end and the RHS tyre came off the ground and the LHS tyre was just touching, they grabbed the RHS tyre and moved it left and right and you could see the ball joint moving a fair bit and the LHS tyre only started to move when the slack was taken up, now my pitman arm you can replace the ball joint with a kit from rover but the mechanic reckons that the ball joint end has worn and just putting a new ball joint kit in it won't fix the problem and reckons i need to get a new pitman arm with ball joint already fitted, now is this true and if I do have to replace it does it have to be new (big dollars I know) or do some places do exchange reco ones.
You guys are saints putting up with a clown like me asking so many questions.
ps and before Grimace asks if I've posted in the right section again I have 1980 rangie with power steering.
Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:36 pm
by Slunnie
I may be wrong here, but I thought the ball joint was a taper fit into the pitman arm???
Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 9:38 pm
by Philip A
I f they lifted the RHS wheel and the LHS just moved, it only means you have a crook tie rod end or ends.
It goes Pitman to LHS wheel to RHS wheel .
Assuming you have it arse about a worn pitman arm will show steering box movement but both wheels should move an equal amount.
If you think the mechanic is having a lend, get a mate to turn the steerinfg side to side and feel for slack or up and down movement in the pitman arm ball joint and the tie rod ends,
I do not understand what he means .Is he saying that the steering box end splines are worn , or that the taper in the cross rod is loose and worn???If yes to either then you need a new arm. I do not know of anyone who could fix .
Regards Philip A
pitman arm
Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 6:19 pm
by THE 109
sounds like a tie rod end in the track rod behind the front axle housing is worn if only one wheel moves,if the ball joint/tie rod end in the pitman is worn then get the kit.the kit should come with new top and bottom seats for the ball stud,spring,bottom round plate,ball stud(what is threaded),nyloc nut or castelated nut,circlip.the taper in the pitman arm shouldn't wear unless it is loose.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 7:46 am
Thanks guys found the problem sheared the split pin and the ball joint nut had come loose. Probably didn't explain myself properly the first time.
Sorry and thanks again.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 8:14 am
by Maggot4x4
If you find you need one let me know. I have one.