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auto choke probs.
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 2:35 pm
by superzuki
i have a 1986 sierra with a 1.3l motor. the engine will not idle (i curently have the idle set at 2000rpm) just so i can drive it. if sprayed carby cleaner in it and held a rag over it when it is reving and it still wont idle smoothly lower than about 1500 to 1700 rpm. i have noticed that wen i hold the choke almost closed (about 2mm gap) i can adgust it to idle smoothly at around 800-900rpm but as so as i let it open it will run rough and eventualy stop. is there a way to adjust the auto choke easily or a part which can be replaced??
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 3:31 pm
by christover1
auto choke may be blocked up.. most work with radiator water going thru them, and sometimes the crap builds up. If so, just take hoses off carb, run some water thru the auto choke with a garden hose, or blow out with air...... other cause can be low water in radiator, as choke is the highest point in the water system, it stuffs up first.
Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:47 pm
by JrZook
So you say when you hold the choke almost fully closed the engine will idle? If so sounds like you have a big vacume leak or a blockage somewhere in your carby, if you pull it apart you will probabily find gunk round the ultra small holes of the emulision tube of the primary throat.