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Leaky transfer case

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 8:32 pm
by Glennb
Ive had this problem fixed 3 times now. I have this leak coming from the front transfer case seal(conecting to the front drive shaft)and just will not go away. I have had an original Mitsu part put in and a Bursons one put in and it still leaks.
Are there any tricks to put in these seals.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 8:26 am
by Bitsamissin
Some of us have been through this before and there are some threads on this very issue.
Basically the oil is leaking THROUGH the slip yoke not past the seal.
The slip yokes have a brass welch plug inside to seal them and they eventually corrode through and start leaking. Everyone initially thinks it's the oil seal because there is so much crap around that area usually it's hard to tell. But I found out the hard way after replacing 3 seals.
My guess is that modern gear oil seems to be more corrosive on brass.
Your choices are :-

- New slip yoke from Mitsu (about $110).
- Remove your existing one and plug the hole with a suitable epoxy.

I've replaced both my front and rear slip yokes with new items and plugged the holes on the old ones and keep them as spares.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 9:56 am
by Glennb
Thank Bitsa, I hope this sloves the problem ,getting very fustrating. :)