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supra hilux help?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 4:17 pm
Evening all,
Just managed to find a w58 bellhousing and want to fit a 7mge to my lux.
Alot of people have said that you can use the 5mge mounts straight to original 22r mounts is this correct? Ive read that some people say that they dont work on the aussie trucks! also read that the truck needs a 2" body lift to clear motor is this correct? any way around it? Im sure i will have many more questions but cant think of any right know.
Cheers SASS

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 7:37 pm
by PSI3y
just because it is a w58 manual housing doesnt mean it will fit the 7m. it will only fit if the housing is from the m series engines. so if you got it from a wrecker and he tells you "yeah mate its a m series" like i had been told so many times it wont fit. it may be from a g series which are very similar in appearance. go to to get the pics of different types and compare yours.

when the 5m/22r mounts are used the motor sits very high in the engine bay. i cut the old mounts off and fabbed some new ones so the motor sits lower and the bonnet could be closed without the use of a nbody lift. my engine was a 5m tho so the 7m may be different.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:07 pm
bought the bell from mal wood in warwick (pretty well known). he tricks up and rebuilds supra boxes for a living so im pretty sure he knows what im after.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 7:26 pm
Will the fuel pump from a 3rzfe be able to supply enough fuel preasure for this conversion? I ask this because i want a long range tank and thought that if im doing the conversion that i might do this at the same time. If i buy a long ranger designed for a 3rzfe (will it fit the same space in an older truck?) i could put it in and use the in tank fuel pump etc and not have to wory about a suge tank etc. Just a thought, will it work?
Cheers SASS

Posted: Tue May 31, 2005 9:36 pm

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:07 am
Will a 4m mid bowl sump fit straight to a 7mge? Or will it need to be fabed up?