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Anyone done 3.5 heads on a 4.4 bottom end swap?

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 9:26 pm
I am looking at going to 3.5 heads to get rid of the rocker problems the 4.4 have but i cant find any info on the swap. I beleive you need to run the 3.5 pushrods but i have also heard that you need to drill a hole in the block near the cam to get more oil flow.

Does anyone know for sure what has to be done?

The only real reason i am looking at doing this now is that i need to change my timming case and water pump for a shorter unit i allready have and i am also fitting a 3.5 manifold and adapters and also a set of extractors i just found to suit the hilux conversion. While i have this apart this far i may as well replace the cam and lifters. So its not much more work now to swap the heads as well.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 11:21 pm
by derangedrover
I was under the impression (vague) that you had to drill the block to allow the oil feed for the rover heads.
The leylands feed the rocker gear through the pushrods and the rovers have solid pushrods and feed through the head and rocker pedestals into shafts and out rockers.

I'll look in a book when I get a chance.


Only thing I can find is a picture of a rover block showing where the oil feed is, but im guessing since youve already got 3.5 bits thats not a real secret to you. Sorry
try posting here
I think JoeB has just built an injected 4.4 with Rover heads?
bottom of this page is a bunch of links to rover engine info, might be something there somewhere

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 8:54 pm
by madrangie
Ruff i have a injected 4.4 running rover 3.5 heads . firstly u have to hand shave out the head cambers to the same cc as the leyland heads so your comp is not too high . you use leyland push rods as the rover ones are too short , now the oil gallery you are talking about it missing on the leyland block but the casings are there except with a leyland it is at the back of the block instead of the front like a rover . all you have to do is drill the hole down thru the block till you hit the main oil gallery . When you bolt the rover heads the outer bolt holes are missing which u can drill and tap if you like . Mine only has the two inner lines and works well no blown heads gaskets .
I have a leyland block which is about .040 oversized which has already been drilled for leyland heads if you are interested .

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:20 pm
Thanks for this guys that helps out a lot.
Another question.
Does anyone have a set of manifold addapters they want to part with before i buy them from Toorack Tractors or know anywhere cheaper than TT? Not that i think TTs price is too bad.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:24 pm
by madrangie
mine were the first set out of toorack tractor :) no one esle makes them anymore marks adapters use to make them but no longer does or will unless you order a 100 . i might know where there is a set of second hands ones for $100 .

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:35 pm
by Bush65
I've got a 4.4 Leyland with 3.5 heads laying about. Not sure what mods were done to provide lube to rocker gear, but block has had the extra head bolts fitted. If you did fit 3.5 heads use rover hyd lifters - no oil through pushrods.

Got another 4.4 with the heads off, but too difficult to get other stuff moved out of the way at the moment to confirm where the oil passage could be drilled.

Pic in a manual I have shows that the casting is missing the bump off the side (front cylinders) where the passage is drilled in a rover. But it shows the same bump at the rear cylinders and the 3.5 heads have a lube hole here as well but no matching passage is drilled there in rover blocks.

Yella Terra make alloy roller rockers, posts and pushrod guides for 4.4 Leyland heads. I tried this setup on a 4.6 rover short block once and have been thinking of putting them back on again to lower the compession ratio (only removed them because of breather problems - not a fault of the heads or rocker gear, but a problem with the 4.6 block).

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:37 pm
madrangie wrote:mine were the first set out of toorack tractor :) no one esle makes them anymore marks adapters use to make them but no longer does or will unless you order a 100 . i might know where there is a set of second hands ones for $100 .

I would be interested in these if you can get them.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:40 pm
by madrangie
i will make the phone call tom night and talk to him for you and let you know

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:42 pm
No worries i need 2 sets if you can find them.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 9:44 pm
by madrangie
will look around see what i can find for you might know another guy who has quite alot of leyland stuff .

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 1:52 pm
by Bodge
Twin SU's on the stock P76 manifold....

No dodgy leaky adaptor plates.....