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Part time LT230

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 7:51 pm
by derangedrover
Anyone got any info on the 4WD Systems part time kit for discos?
What sort of hubs, how strong, etc etc


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 7:59 pm
by mickrangie
what would be the main reson for this? I could imagine that fuel consuption would be slightly better in 2wd on the black top. But would it be worth the time and effort not to mention the $$$

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 8:20 pm
by derangedrover
main reason for me would be so I dont have to worry as much about front driveline angles/vibration.
For the price of the kit I get a bit better fuel consumption, DIFFERENT handling (notice I didnt say better cause personally I kinda like full time), and the less vibes deal.
Ive got a DC front shaft but the pinion angle isnt right so I've still got slight vibes around 80kph, when I drop the front shaft all is smooth and I dont like the idea of what the vibe is doing to pinion bearings + i wanna go up another inch which will only make matters worse. Gotta do something with the arms, but Im still looking for more flex so I dont want to put too much effort into them until I figure that bit out.
Looking at options.


Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:05 am
by HSV Rangie
Have alook on pirate there was a guy there who fitted part time t/case conversion in his rover.


Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:07 am
by HSV Rangie
BCB in the US make the part time kit for LT230.
