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ARB High Roof Canopy for 98 Rodeo

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:34 pm
by rainsey

Anyone out there got an ARB high roof canopy on their Rodeo .. specifically 97-2000 Dual cab???

I need the dimensions of the tail gate opening. Silly question I know. But I currently have a canvas canopy and am considering a fibreglass one. Only prob is that with my draws inside... I am limited in space that my Waeco CF 50 can squeeze through.

No specs on the ARB site and I don't know anyone with one.



Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:09 am
by Utemad
I've got one one my 1997 dual cab. I'll takes some pics and measurements soon.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:11 pm
by saigo
On My 97 R7 Rodeo the High Canopy rear window(gate) are top 1000mm, bottom 1330 and height is 550mm, That was with it open and measuring the inside of the gate frame.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 3:55 pm
by Utemad
By my measurements it is 950mm from the raised ripple thing across the back of the tray to the bottom of the rubber seal across the top of the canopy measured from inside of 220mm either side (as the sides of the canopy are not vertical). It also measures 930mm between the gas struts at the top.

By the way, ARB canopies are plastic not fibreglass. I reckon the ARB ones are better for it.


Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:02 pm
by rainsey

You are an absolute legend... this is exactly the info I was after. Thankyouing you kindly.

I have heard the ABS is better than fibreglass as it is lighter and does not stink as much as the fibre glass units.

One question though.... what the photon are those things in your ute.... trying to start up your own nuclear bonb or something??



Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 10:04 pm
by rainsey
saigo wrote:On My 97 R7 Rodeo the High Canopy rear window(gate) are top 1000mm, bottom 1330 and height is 550mm, That was with it open and measuring the inside of the gate frame.
Saigo... thnks for the reply also. With yours and Utemads info I will measure up my draws and fridge and see if it will all fit under the ARB canopy.



Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 11:40 pm
by Westoztroopa
rainsey wrote:Utemad,

One question though.... what the photon are those things in your ute.... trying to start up your own nuclear bonb or something??


Utemad's extra long range fuel tanks perhaps! :D

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:29 am
by Utemad
Westoztroopa wrote:
rainsey wrote:Utemad,

One question though.... what the photon are those things in your ute.... trying to start up your own nuclear bonb or something??


Utemad's extra long range fuel tanks perhaps! :D
Yep they're long range all right :D

Two diesel tanks. One is 413L and the other is about 380L. They're for a boat at work but I picked them up as I live very close to the yard.
I thought I would have to make two trips but I surprised myself when I fitted them both in :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:44 pm
by Utemad
rainsey wrote:I have heard the ABS is better than fibreglass as it is lighter and does not stink as much as the fibre glass units.
In answer to this Rainsey I prefer the ARB canopies over others for a few reasons. IMHO they look better and are much better built. I have had a TJM canopy before and it was bad news all the way. The ARB one also is one piece. Most fibreglass canopies have a separate rivetted in front panel. Never really noticed the smell of either.
The locking mechanism on the ARB is a handle either side job. I think they all are except the TJM. Any inconvenience of having to turn two handles is overcome by the security benefits. My ARB doesn't leak a drop even in the worst conditions. Dust is another issue however that is through the tailgate gaps. I don't know the weights of either but would have to think the ARB to be lighter.

They are a fantastic canopy. You won't be disappointed.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:52 pm
by nico
I have a flexiglass canopy and found it filled with dust until I got a forward facing vent fitted this acts as a ram forcing air into the canopy
only a extra $50 but well worth it
I have also seen an ARB canopy on a farm rodeo and it had cracked near the tailgate hinges (on both sides) not sure if it was due to rough treatment or product failure due to tempas they live in a warm part of the counrty??? but they then put a TJM canopy and didnt have the isssue again...


Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:05 pm
by Utemad
nico wrote:I have also seen an ARB canopy on a farm rodeo and it had cracked near the tailgate hinges (on both sides) not sure if it was due to rough treatment or product failure due to tempas they live in a warm part of the counrty??? but they then put a TJM canopy and didnt have the isssue again...

Intersting that the ARB canopy cracked. They seem to have more give in them being plastic. The fibreglass ones are the ones I would expect to crack. ARB also changed their doors about 2-3 years ago. They used to use the type that Flexiglass Challenge used but now they are a glass door without a frame. Don't know if that changes anything to do with cracking though.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:26 pm
by Vulcanised
i have a hightop canopy here you can have for $150 if you wanna come pick it up :) nothing wrong with it that a good clean and wash wouldn't fix :) has a bull light on top you can have LOL wither that or i'll cover the hole with a little checker plate :)