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overdrive Q,s

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:27 pm
by swamp
I used to have a fairy overdrive fitted to my 3.5 but I was told that they aren,t that strong so I took it off before fitting 4.6.

The sign that was fitted to the centre console said use in 3rd and 4th gears in high range only
My question is if your motor puts out x torque your gear box multiplies this
it is then passed through the overdrive box then to transfer gears and so on.
Why would you not be able to use it in low range as the in put and output is the same, unless it gets feedback load from the transfer gears
I wouldn,t mind splitting gears again.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:57 pm
In low range 3rd and 4th the torque the OD sees is no higher than in 3rd/4th high, but the shock loading could be a faid bit higher.

I don't have much experience with the LT95 fairey, but I had a friend who used to use his series fairey in 1st low to get an intermediate ratio between 1st and 2nd. This is not recommended, but he never broke the OD doing this. I tried this once of twice with my toro OD, but was always very careful not to give too much right foot when doing it.