I need help!!!
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:02 pm
G’day guys, I was hoping that someone might be able to help me?? I’ve got a 97 Jackaroo TD. Lately I am suffering from binding in the rear end of the Jackaroo. This tends to happen after travelling at high speed, and turning right. It feels like I’ve got huge knobbly tyres on and it feels like it is binding. This happens when turning right, not so much when I turn left. Once I straighten up it stops. There is no noise involved, however, you can really feel it when you drive. Driving around town there is no problems, just after a good run along the freeway. My mechanic checked everything bearings, brakes and hand brake and said he could not find anything??? Has anyone had a similar problems??? PLEASE HELP ME.. 220,000kms.