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Cheap Extended Brake Lines
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:32 pm
by kowntafit
I'm after some extended brake lines and I was hoping there was a cheaper solution than buying 'extended brake lines' which I thought were fairly pricy. I have heard that swift, honda accord and nissian 300ZX (front) brake lines can be used but have no idea what years will fit and can't find the info anywhere. I heard someone say swift lines from the wreckers are about $10-$15 so I rang up odin auto (here in Perth) to see what a cheap replacement was worth, he quoted me $49 which is even more expensive than the 'extended ones' which I thought were already over priced. I thought these replacement ones would be cheap, like maybe $15-$20 each, I can get extended ones from the US for about $30 with shipping, surely there is a cheaper way.
I was going to do it properly but for that money I'm tempted to just unscrew the mounts and bend the metal tubes down a bit, which I have seems to work fine.
Anyone got some laying around they could sell me? I haven't even bothered calling the wreckers yet cause every time I do I can usually buy the part brand new for the same price.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:37 pm
by nicbeer
I believe swift ones fit.
I would also like to know the years/dates for these.
Finding em cheap in perth is a mission.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:50 pm
by built4thrashing
down here in melb i can get swift front brake lines for $8 each. they are 4 inches longer than stock sierra fronts.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:51 pm
by nicbeer
B4Th = what year swifts where they from? I am guessing the 1.3 model from 90's
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:09 pm
by kowntafit
built4thrashing, are these new replacement or second hand? I need 3, two front one back, can you get 3 and will they be 4" longer than the back one too? I think that may be longer, not sure, haven't measured it. If you can get 3 in reasonable condition that will fit, would I be able to give you $10 each plus postage?
If you can that would be a big help, let me know, thanks,
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:10 pm
by Gwagensteve
Really, it's only your brakes.
It is illegal for a wrecker to sell second hand brake lines. (although I know some do, it doesn't make it right) The last set of calipers I bought, the wrecker said he couldn't give me the lines that were on them. I said I wanted them, and he wouldn't even sell them to me. I assumed this meant wrecker code for I need them myself or I can get more for them somewhere else, so I said I don't care if you cut them in half, I want them for working lengths out etc. Sure enough... they were mine, in two pieces each.
I can get any length custom lines, in any configuration, made up from $28-37 per line, from my local ENZED store. If you can't justify spending that on your brake system, I can't imagine how much you have spent on the important things.... like a stereo, or seat covers, or those little swimsuit girl air fresheners.
A note about swift lines - if these are the ones commonly fitted that I have seen, they have a metal bit in the middle that holds the line against the strut or something. This can get trapped between the steering knuckle and the axle on a sierra, get crimped shut and lock the brakes on. ( I have seen this happen) really, spend the $60 and get the right stuff.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:33 pm
by kowntafit
I understand that brakes are important but then again so is everything else, people talk you out of retreads cause you are risking your life (mongrels anyone?) and I'm sure not everyone buys new u-bolts every time they change springs. I know other people doing it doesn't make it 100% safe but nothing is, every time you drive on the road you risk dying, fair enough you might increase your chance by 0.001% but at the end of the day I can't afford to spend a fortune on everything to ensure I'll stay alive, I'll have no money left to live with

(And for the smart asses that wasn't meant literally)
I am not about being unsafe but $30 vs $111 has got to be a factor. If they got crimped as you said it would be unlikely to occur during high speed driving, more likely during some high articulation 4x4ing. Also if it is able to lock my brakes on I should investigate it more

See what I'm doing wrong.
I appreciate your advise though, please don't get me wrong, but I'm on a budget and could never afford the 'best' of everything, if these are commonly used they can't be too bad. Not worse than the rest of my car anyway.
Please get back to me built4thrashing,
Thanks again.
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:46 pm
by Gwagensteve
you don't need to spend as fortune on everything, just your brakes. but you only need the two front hoses, as I have not seen a sierra that really used all of the travel of the stock rear line with sierra length springs (even 3/4 eliptic) and it is easier to lower the rear line a little too with a bit of flat bar.
So we are $8-15 (maybe) each for an illegally purchased line of unknown service history or quality with a PITA metal bit in it to around $30 each for a brand new line of exactly the length you want. Dude, that's cheaper than a slab the difference.
I'll pay the extra $30 every time but maybe I've got more money than sense, but I agree, beer is good. Mmmm beer.
Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 8:34 pm
by built4thrashing
if you go to a pick a part style wrecker you can get them cheaper than a normal off the shelf wrecker. i dont want to become a parts locator/courier for every one on this board. if ya kneed parts for YOUR 4x4 then go get them.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:11 am
by coxy321
Just my 2 cents worth. Most of the auto workshops in my dinky little town (even the two motorbike shops) have kits that they can make custom brake line up with. No doubt similar to what ENZED do.
For the sake of saving maybe $15 per line, I would have to agree with spending the extra $$ on some newies. Just think about how much its going to cost you if you rupture one of the fine 'n' dandy second handy brake lines, & roll back down a hill, or run up someones @rse, or should i say it, run OVER someone...........just something to think about.
I could imagine what the RTA would say. Actually, I could - "Meet your new cellmate, his name is "Shaft"??
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 2:58 pm
by Bad JuJu
I have the swift ones and I think the extra length has added some spongy-ness to my brake systems operation.
Im getting some braded ones or extra heavy duty ones in the near future.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 3:12 pm
by Aerenandmel
I got 8" extended all round with new fittings made up for $70, dot approved. That was at a brake shop, they were not an off the shelf product. maybe you should check around for new set.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:14 pm
by smiley_smoke
i got a mate that works at a brake and clutch place.. he is making me up two sets of swift ones.
if there is a need or want for them ill see what he is wanting a set.. i am not paying for them outright but giving him some help with other sh1t as a trade.
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 8:41 am
by coxy321
I think that you guys are on the right track. I we can work out what everybody wants, and then we could get someone to make up legit brake lines for cheap.
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:16 pm
by nicbeer
smiley_smoke wrote:i got a mate that works at a brake and clutch place.. he is making me up two sets of swift ones.
if there is a need or want for them ill see what he is wanting a set.. i am not paying for them outright but giving him some help with other sh1t as a trade.
I'll be ringing u later as i will need some made up.
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:18 pm
by smiley_smoke
no worries mate. thats why i am getting a few made up.. more than likely will be braided lines
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:40 pm
by mr green
the rear of the gti (disc brake ) is about halfway between standard length and the front of a swift. (mine was a 94 gti) and i don't recall there being a metal bracket on it. i agree $ 30 is not too much to spend on a brake component but if you get the same thing from a wrecker for $5 then do it. there is nothing i love more than a drama queen and we seem to have some here. the idea of rupturing a hose and running over somebody is that far fetched you would be more likely to kill sombody with a xxxx bottle you toss out the window, how many old crap bags are on the road and how many brake hoses do you see rupturing. and as for the longer hose giving you a spongy pedal i might suggest bleeding your system again. after all they worked just fine on the swift!
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:06 pm
by karmic
smiley_smoke wrote:i got a mate that works at a brake and clutch place.. he is making me up two sets of swift ones.
if there is a need or want for them ill see what he is wanting a set.. i am not paying for them outright but giving him some help with other sh1t as a trade.
I'd definately be interested in hearing more about this!
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:25 pm
by smiley_smoke
yeh sweet karmic i will see what i can sort out.. hopefully it wont cost too much. he reckons that they would cost 200 for steel braided if i was paying retail

fark that.. but yeh ill try sort some sort of deal with him.
once i know of an approximate price i will post up on here

Longer brake hoses
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:25 pm
by want33s
I too need a set of brake hoses. After reading this post I went and checked mine at full stretch. I think the brake hoses are damn lucky to have survived this long. I'm 2" raised so 100mm longer would be good. Obviously the more sets the cheaper, but how much are we talking?
Re: Longer brake hoses
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:43 pm
by scottyde
want33s wrote:I too need a set of brake hoses. After reading this post I went and checked mine at full stretch. I think the brake hoses are damn lucky to have survived this long. I'm 2" raised so 100mm longer would be good. Obviously the more sets the cheaper, but how much are we talking?
im keen 4 a set as well as im in the process of doing 1 inch body lift . with soa conversion ,

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:58 pm
by want33s
I ended up getting a set from
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:34 pm
by t_e_z_a
Will I need extended brake lines for a 2" body and 2" suspension lift on a wt sierra?
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:39 pm
by want33s
t_e_z_a wrote:Will I need extended brake lines for a 2" body and 2" suspension lift on a wt sierra?
2" body lift won't matter but 2" spring lift will strain standard lines at full flex.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:40 pm
by t_e_z_a
so is that braded kit on the lowrange site all you need to get... is it one size fits all?
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:42 pm
by Gwagensteve
mr green wrote: i agree $ 30 is not too much to spend on a brake component
I don't know/care about what heaps people drive about in, or the dodgy workarounds that we all have in our cars. I don't like a public forum used to promote them though, spreading them to people who might otherwise have done the right thing and bought new lines.
I have owned cars that stretched brake lines tight (tight enough to make the pedal drop when stretched) I wouldn't want those lines sold to someone who expected them to work like new, would you?
I have see incorrect lines crimped shut when used out of application, locking the brakes on.
No, I Haven't seen a line rupture, yet, but I will.
Sorry if I'm being a drama queen.
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:46 pm
mr green wrote: After all they worked just fine on the swift!
Yeah well now there on a heavier vehicle and trying to pull up bigger tires....? Either way if old ones were $8 and custom made ones were $30 I would pay that extra for a piece of mind...
Other wise the longer brake lines are going to make your braking feel a little more spongy theres more rubber that will bulge under load before pushing on the calipers
Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:00 pm
by cj
It is my understanding that these won't be legal in OZ. I swapped out the one that came with my Calmini suspension for a local one I had made up with the correct markings.
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:58 am
by mr green
Gwagensteve wrote:
Sorry if I'm being a drama queen.
no worries steve, didn't think you would be still offended 12 months later. most of what i said a year ago still stand as my opinion ( besides the insults

) my point is yes your brakes are important, but if you have new hoses but your rig rides like a bucking bull at the show, than your car is still far from safe. there are many characteristics of your cars performance that are just as important as brakes. new hoses are great, they will give you peace of mind, just make sure you keep the same mentality when it comes to the rest of your car.
Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 4:25 am
by MightyMouse
Having spent hours with a mate looking through a self serve wrecker for a second hand Corolla front brake hose, I was surprised at just how poor a condition most of the hoses on older cars were. Even the few visually "good" ones were quite brittle and had small surface cracks that became obvious when flexed.
With vehicles of reasonable age replacing the hoses seems a good investment and if you need to make them longer at the same time.......
No brakes comes a very close second to no steering in the "things that you'll never forget " stakes IMO.