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80 Series on Gas

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 9:40 pm
by Roktruk
Asked by a friend if I could find out about any problems running the twin cam pertol on gas. He was concerned about exhaust valves. Doesn't have an 80 yet, but is considering trading.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:32 pm
by bruiser
as far as I know the only problem is you can only tune properly for one fuel type.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:57 am
by ORSM45
ive heard the air flow sensor doesnt like the gas thing in its way. it doesnt get acurate readings when switched on petrol. economy on petrol drops a bit.

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 10:30 am
by Suspension Stuff
Get a quote to recondition the heads (expensive).
My air flow sensor died. I had a quote for $500 to fix it (sold car before I fixed it).
Services will cost more, has to be done by authorised person.

They run really well on gas and will save money in the long run.
I think you would save over $1000 per 10,000km's. Break even point would be about 40,000km's I would think.

Figures quoted are very rough.(Guessed)


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:10 am
How many K's would you guy's be getting out of a full tank of gas on an 80 series 4.5ltr 5spd.

Curious to know.

Ive heard 120ltr is the biggest tank's you can get under them but only 92ltr's is usable so how many K's do you get out of that.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:12 am
by Tuff100
I've got a 100 series 4.5 5sp, 92 ltr usable gas tank.

320km city
400km on a long higway trip

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 8:36 pm
Gee that's not to bad Tuff100 i thought it would have been worse, did you get the gas fitted or was it on there when you bought the car??

If you got it fitted did you notice much performance loss between petrol and gas?

What's it cost to fill at the current gas prices if you dont mind me asking.

Have you got oversize wheel's than standard.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:48 am
by dow50r
the 4.5 closes up valves on gas, then burns them.....every 40000kms, they need checking and reshimming....valve saver kits improve the situation....flow meter does suffer if backfires occur, yes the gas upsets the flow meter on buy a later than 95 80 and get the updated motor with air mass meter....they go better anyway....if u r getting gas installed, get parnell injected gas power loss.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:01 am
by Shadow
Tuff100 wrote:I've got a 100 series 4.5 5sp, 92 ltr usable gas tank.

320km city
400km on a long higway trip
92l:320km = 28.75L/100

My diesel 2H uses 13L/100

at current fuel prices, Gas being 39c/l and diesel being 114c/l

on Gas = $11.21/100

on Diesel = $14.82/100

Lets say you have to spend $1000 on your heads every 40,000 (worst case).

to go 40,000 it would cost a gas engine $4484
to go 40,000 it would cost a diesel engine $5929

Also, only 4 services on the petrol(gas), but 8 on the diesel. ($160 in oil)

So after you reco your head, and i pay for extra oil, you come out in front by $605, 10% better off.

obviously this is not a very accurate comparison, but interesting none-theless.

Same comparison, back when diesel was 89c/l and gas was 34c/l (gas was about this when dieselw as 89c/l if i remember correctly)
on Gas = $9.78/100
on Diesel = $11.57/100
to go 40,000 it would cost a gas engine $3912
to go 40,000 it would cost a diesel engine $4628
Again after you reco your head, and i pay for extra oil, I come out in front by $124, 2.5%

so the tables definantly have turned, and i think if/when diesel gets up to 1.30/L, Gas is definantly a better way to go.

I have taken the worst case of a $1000 head rebuild every 40,000. Obviously this isnt going to be the case, but for my purposes(evaluating wether or not to consider a gas cruiser), it makes more sense to take the worst case.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:31 pm
by dow50r
Yep, gas wins most times.... except for towing large loads around or sand driving all day....gas makes more heat, and the economy will be more like 35l/100 towing loaded on gas compared to 18/100 on diesel...but hey thats only some of the time for most of us....
Factor in cooling system overhauls, new hoses more regular, new batteries, leads,,,,everything under the bonnet that can be effected by heat....then a set of springs for the back to keep the ass up, and a special rego ticket each tank at 10 years, etc etc....
Im still on premium unleaded, but im thinking about parnell....real hard
Its got to the point where to sell a 4.5 cruiser, you really need it to be on gas to make it saleable!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:50 pm
Andrew have you gotten a price on fitting a parnell gas system?, if so how much.

What about if you fit an upper cylinder head lubricant sytem to the gas car will it still require head work down the track or should it be ok.

What do they fit to taxi engine's that constantly run on gas 24/7 i know they do something with the head's to make them live?.

I think it may be bronzed valve guides or something because gas isnt a lubricating fuel and the factory valve guides seize up im told after while where as the bronze one's dont for some reason.

Ive bought a mid 93 cruiser that's not on gas and am debating myself wether to fit gas or not.
(Want to for economy but dont want to have drama's with engine prob's)

Fuel is just to darn expensive and $20-$40 doesnt even scratch the surface on my cruiser with duel tank's and doesnt get very far with that amount either.

Been quoted $2100 for a new gas system with a 2 year warranty.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 4:53 pm
BTW that was for an IMPCO gas system with an APA gas tank(120ltr with 92 usable).