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mq brakes
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:58 pm
ok had a look though the bible and theres not much about brakes in it i know brakes are brakes and they are all basically the same but iam having some probs with mine the pedal is very spongey and ends up going to the floor cant here air etc or am loosing fluid any ideas or people had similar probs

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:02 pm
by adam.s
It sounds obvious, but have you tried flushing the old fluid and bleeding the air out ?
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:19 pm
by berazafi
master cylinder
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:19 pm
by V8Patrol
Both replies are right....
Spongey brakes are usually associated with air in the system but a similar effect can be "felt" with very old fluid........ Brake fluid loves waterand will attratct it like a mare on heat to a stallion.
A stuffed master cylinder usually will give a similar effect but is most noticble when the brakes are "held" on..... IE: like sitting at the traffic lights.... the pedal will slowly fall to the floor.
flush the system for starters ( cheapest way out) and refill with NEW fluid.
If there's no improvement replace the master cylinder ( expensive way out )
Added to the good book

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:39 pm
by Screwy
yeh bleed the air out.
also check the vacuum line going from the booster to the motor for vacuum leaks.....
any fluid leaks wont help the cause....
also i have replaced both my master cylender with a new one and my brake booster with a fully recoed one and have never had brake problems since, i have new wheel cylenders pads and shoes also...
they work fine this is y i havent gone rear disk conversion as the new parts in my system work well enough..
the last CHEAP option u have to check is the rear brake shoes.
if there is alot wear in the shoes u will get huge amounts of soft pedal.
check ur rear shoes, if they are good, then tighten them up with a bent screwdriver until the wheel studs to get tight to spin ( on jack ) then back it off just enough to not get any pad interferance.
test ur pedal after this and the brake bleed and see how u go. this has happened to me before

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:12 pm
thanks for the replies fellas i will have to start working though it and see how it goes i will prob throw new pads at it anyway

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:24 pm
by Screwy
muduppig wrote:thanks for the replies fellas i will have to start working though it and see how it goes i will prob throw new pads at it anyway

replace the rear shoes and tighten

that will more than likely fix the problem, other than that bleed her out.
dumb question
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:50 pm
by mr_skater99
ok this may seem like a completly stupid question, but i have a similar problem. i pulled the drums off the rear and the shoes have heaps left on them, so i just pulled everything all apart and cleaned them all up and greased them all up and put them back together and set the clearance.
they are better but still not great. MY QUESTION: is with bleeding, i bled from each wheel and the box in the middle near the fuel pump, but HOW do i bleed the master cylinder??
Its got no bleeder valve/nipple. Mate suggested loosening the line and tightening it while the pedal is being depressed? is this right or complete horse crap???
just wanna bleed it all properly (it's now all new fluid) and try everything cheap before i look at anything else.
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:47 pm
by Swerve
Back when I had a Series 1 RX7 my pedal would fall to teh floor. Mazda wanted $100 for the 6 rubber O-Rings. I got aftermarket from maz Parts for $30. Changed the O-Rings, bleed the brakes and bingo !