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Hilux G/Box Filler plug

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 6:59 pm
by macklux83
evening all,
i have drained the gearbox on my 82 hilux and now i cant get the filler plug off, i believe there is a way to remove the gearstick and then fill it up thru there,otherwise,it is going to be replaced on monday and it just needs to be driven about 2k's down the roadwould it be alright to drive it that far with no oil as it is going to be a throwaway anyway.
thanks again

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:25 pm
yeah you can fill it up through the gearstick but only put the right amount in otherwise it will be over full.... and mite cause problems

It will be a slow process but you will get there in the end.........