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Nissan Navara 2002 model lift

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 11:43 am
by grimmy_boy
Hey guys

i have been doing some investigation on my nissan navara 2002 model with ifs. i currently have a 3.5inch suspension lift and was wondering since i cant go any higher in suspension to start on a body lift..

I was going to get a 3 inch body lift untill. the guys who was going to do it had a bloke come in yesterday with a 2inch body lift and having problems with his pinion...

the only thing i dont understand about this is, wouldnt his pinion be in the same place?? as its the body moving not the chasis? from what i have read in this forum and heard from guys on the phone is that you can do a 2inch body no q's asked but what i really want to know is if i do a 2inch body will there be any on going cost casue things are wearing what shouldnt be.

does anyone know this??

Thanks heaps