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Idle problems ln106 hilux, - help

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:36 am
by BadLux
my 89 hilux has been doin some weird things lately with the idle, it had a recond injector pump put on in 2000, n then injectors done around 2001.. Lately when i've been starting my car typically on cold days the idle is sticking on 1000 rpms, yet when its warmer weather when I start my car it keeps to stay around 700rpms?? Also it idles fine before I drive it but as soon as it starts to warm up it climbs to 1000rpms n stays there on idle..

Does this sound like a injector pump problem, injector problem etc??? Also I may have a leaking head gasket as I have bubbles in the radiator, but it still runs fine apart from the weird idle..

Its starting to bother me so if anyone knows whats goin on in I'd be bloody gratefull. Hopefully the problem and $$$$$ I'm thinking of might not be TOO bad..

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:32 pm
by Slayer
bubbles = bad... u got any water in the oil??

the idle thing could be related to the head problem....

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:06 pm
by Gribble
You may have a condition when there isn't alot of compression in the cylender a small hole in the gasket is opened. When alot of deisel is fired in the cylender the compression is raised and this hole can get blocked by a flapping peice of gasket or the hole is so small when there is that much pressure at higher throttle its effect is negligible.

Best get it compression tested and go from there.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:23 pm
by BadLux
nah the oils fine, I do changes every 5000, the part that confuses me is that the idle always stays up around 1000rpms if the engine is started on a cold morning but, if its a hot summers day when I start it the idle is usually fine.. This leads to me thinking its got a correlation with the head gasket problem...

Who would be the best person to go to?? United fuel injection, with regards to the timing, or to my mechanic saying the head is causing problems with the idle, I don't want to go the wrong place n them charge me just to work out what it is and send me to the other lot..

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:43 am
by fisho64
A blown head gasket doesnt necessarily mean water will get in the oil. If it is bubbling into the coolant then first step is to get the cooling system pressure tested. Takes about 5 or 10 minutes and if your nice chances are the radiator place wont even charge you. Get it looked at as soon as poss because even if it it still running ok you will be doing damage due to small amounts of coolant getting into combustion chamber while engine is sitting.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:44 pm
by Yumsylux
One common prob that happens especially with the 106's is that the top tank on the radiator can develop a tiny crack along the seam which meets with the main body or the radiator. The bubbles can be coming from that. It wont affect the idle but it maybe another reason why you're getting bubbles.