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4WD of the year

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:58 am
by mwhitfield_2000
hey everyone just heard that the new discovery won 4wd of the year

I wish it was a patrol instead :x


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:30 pm
by grimbo
that's nice, what are you talking about?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:27 pm
by bogged
grimbo wrote:that's nice, what are you talking about?
the prize for most expensive useless so called 4wd in the class where less than .00001% of that model will ever see dirt.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:26 pm
by Jeeps
bogged wrote:
grimbo wrote:that's nice, what are you talking about?
the prize for most expensive useless so called 4wd in the class where less than .00001% of that model will ever see dirt.
I think that's a bit harsh... i'm sure plenty of people (who can afford it) will get much use out of it.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:43 pm
by Zute
Most will prob' be towing Horse floats. Those pony show grounds can get quite muddy. :roll:

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:21 am
by Jeeps
Just because it's not rock hopped, doesn't mean it's not an offroader

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:14 am
by bluemq
Jeeps wrote:Just because it's not rock hopped, doesn't mean it's not an offroader
Come on man, even Jeep's see the beach now and then. :)

Do you honestly think someone is going to take a 300,000 (whatever they cost) porsche cayenne on the beach, little alone tow a horse with it ?

I don't have anything against the cars, hell if I had the money I would buy one as well - but I would still keep the MQ for the weekend basher.

They are called soft roaders for a reason.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:48 am
bluemq wrote:
Jeeps wrote: Do you honestly think someone is going to take a 300,000 (whatever they cost) porsche cayenne on the beach, little alone tow a horse with it ?

They are called soft roaders for a reason.
You would be surprised. Back in 1996 I was on the barge to Moreton Island, there was a brand new HSE Range Rover next to me ($115000). There was/is someone in the Gold Coast 4x4 club that had/has a Range Rover HSE - I saw them driving it at sundown NP and the underneath scraped a few rocks on one of the creek crossings. And there is a couple in the Brisbane RR club who own awn his and hers (new) rangies and take them both offroad.

These people are definitely in the minority but some of them do get used. Soft roaders don't have transfer cases - AFAIK the Porsche Cayenne and Disco mentioned above both do. The Cayenne (although IFS/IRS) has more suspension travel than a stock MQ :D

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:03 pm
by RockyF75
If i were rich, and/or could be convincing enough to pretend to be rich, i'd go down to a BMW or Porshe dealer, and ask if the ceyene (sp) or X5 can come with factory lift, and how much extra for huge muddies... or if supa dupa rich, like packer or gatesy, actually buy one, mod it as best as possible, and get it all muddy just before takin it back to dealers for its 1st service :twisted:

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:14 pm
by DamTriton
bluemq wrote:
Jeeps wrote: Do you honestly think someone is going to take a 300,000 (whatever they cost) porsche cayenne on the beach, little alone tow a horse with it ?

They are called soft roaders for a reason.
You would be surprised. Back in 1996 I was on the barge to Moreton Island, there was a brand new HSE Range Rover next to me ($115000). There was/is someone in the Gold Coast 4x4 club that had/has a Range Rover HSE - I saw them driving it at sundown NP and the underneath scraped a few rocks on one of the creek crossings. And there is a couple in the Brisbane RR club who own awn his and hers (new) rangies and take them both offroad.

These people are definitely in the minority but some of them do get used. Soft roaders don't have transfer cases - AFAIK the Porsche Cayenne and Disco mentioned above both do. The Cayenne (although IFS/IRS) has more suspension travel than a stock MQ :D
Not hard to do...Even my Kia can and has outramped an MQ :roll:

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:24 pm
RockyF70 wrote: like packer or gatesy, actually buy one, mod it as best as possible, and get it all muddy just before takin it back to dealers for its 1st service :twisted:
Why modify it??? If it costs that much it should be able to drive everything stock - taking it back for the first service with every panel dented by a tree/rock would be funnier.

Unfortunately I don't think you can get offroad tyres with a high enough speed rating...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:26 pm
GaryInOz wrote:
Not hard to do...Even my Kia can and has outramped an MQ :roll:
Just using it as an example - since I assume "bluemq" has an MQ. Guy I know who owned one said they shouldn't be allowed to be called a 4x4, since they never can never keep all 4 wheels ontzhe ground when offroad.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:20 am
by Jeeps
bluemq wrote:
Jeeps wrote:Just because it's not rock hopped, doesn't mean it's not an offroader
Come on man, even Jeep's see the beach now and then. :)

Do you honestly think someone is going to take a 300,000 (whatever they cost) porsche cayenne on the beach, little alone tow a horse with it ?

I don't have anything against the cars, hell if I had the money I would buy one as well - but I would still keep the MQ for the weekend basher.

They are called soft roaders for a reason.
Nah it's true, i spend a lot of time on Fraser Is and Rainbow Beach and there's heaps of HSE's on the beach fangin it around. There's A LOT of $80,000 landcruiser's on the beach, and i've seen a few BMW's and even the Merc on the beach. I've never seen a cayenne, onroad or off i so can't comment on them. If i could afford a new disco i'd get one.

I once spoke with a guy in his new HSE and he said that the company he owns helps him 'buy' one every year and he thrashes it and drives through salt water and fills it with sand and after a year or so he just trades it in on another. There's a lot of guys out there like that, and why would you blame them when a $115,000 4wd is just a '12 month business expense' :armsup:

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:39 am
by fisho64
Some people like to feel superiour by running others choice of vehicle down, which says more about the person than the car they drive.
Maybe they go up into the snow, maybe they drive a bit of gravel. So what if they use it to tow a horse float or boat or whatever.
Listen to the squeelling on the forums when someone dares to comment on people who own 4x4's in the cities, then be a bit tolerant of others choices!!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:37 pm
by -Mick-
bluemq wrote:
Jeeps wrote: Do you honestly think someone is going to take a 300,000 (whatever they cost) porsche cayenne on the beach, little alone tow a horse with it ?
I've seen a cayenne at DI :D good on them I reckon

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:50 pm
by GUJohnno
-Mick- wrote:
bluemq wrote:
Jeeps wrote: Do you honestly think someone is going to take a 300,000 (whatever they cost) porsche cayenne on the beach, little alone tow a horse with it ?
I've seen a cayenne at DI :D good on them I reckon
I know of a guy with the top spec Cayenne and has done numerous track in the Flinders Rangers and plans to go to Cape York in it!!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:10 pm
by murcod
Has anyone else seen that promotional CD on the new Discovery? It's a very impressive piece of gear with every possible piece of technology crammed in. Most of that technology is geared towards making it better off road- whether propective owners choose to take it off road is irrelevant to it winning the 4WD award.

Probably a well deserved win IMHO.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:39 pm
by BeZeRK
goging off the writups so far, its blitzed stock patrols and landcruzers on all the offroad sections!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:01 am
by mabsydney
murcod wrote:Has anyone else seen that promotional CD on the new Discovery? It's a very impressive piece of gear with every possible piece of technology crammed in. Most of that technology is geared towards making it better off road- whether propective owners choose to take it off road is irrelevant to it winning the 4WD award.

Probably a well deserved win IMHO.
Based on my experience of LR electrics it will all break just when you need it most......then you'll be farked in the middle of nowhere witha truck that only works when all it's fancy lecy is working.

I got a 4.2L GQ after guys on here advised me to stay away from the problem ridden 3L patrol and I'm happy as...........solid reliable, mechanical truck that can be fixed in the bush.......if not by me then by any bush mechanic.

New Disco is very G'hey

Oh yeah and the promo's an advert........what do expect.......them to tell you how it really is???

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:16 am
by stuee
mabsydney wrote:
murcod wrote:Has anyone else seen that promotional CD on the new Discovery? It's a very impressive piece of gear with every possible piece of technology crammed in. Most of that technology is geared towards making it better off road- whether propective owners choose to take it off road is irrelevant to it winning the 4WD award.

Probably a well deserved win IMHO.
Based on my experience of LR electrics it will all break just when you need it most......then you'll be farked in the middle of nowhere witha truck that only works when all it's fancy lecy is working.

I got a 4.2L GQ after guys on here advised me to stay away from the problem ridden 3L patrol and I'm happy as...........solid reliable, mechanical truck that can be fixed in the bush.......if not by me then by any bush mechanic.

New Disco is very G'hey

Oh yeah and the promo's an advert........what do expect.......them to tell you how it really is???
This is a completely new from the ground up design. You can't assume its going to break up in the electrical department just beacause of it badge. The BMW designed and built rangerover has proved itself quite well so theres no reason a ford designed and built product can't be top notch as well. If everyone takes the view that the new technology (ie electrical everything) is unreliable and problematic what the f**k are people gonna drive when oil runs out or even in 5-10years time where fuel prices could quite easily be double what they are now and hybird cars are more common? Fair enough you like the bushability of your patrol but thats not what a lot of people buy their vehicles for.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:47 am
by murcod
mabsydney wrote:
murcod wrote:Has anyone else seen that promotional CD on the new Discovery? It's a very impressive piece of gear with every possible piece of technology crammed in. Most of that technology is geared towards making it better off road- whether propective owners choose to take it off road is irrelevant to it winning the 4WD award.

Probably a well deserved win IMHO.
Based on my experience of LR electrics it will all break just when you need it most......then you'll be farked in the middle of nowhere witha truck that only works when all it's fancy lecy is working.

I got a 4.2L GQ after guys on here advised me to stay away from the problem ridden 3L patrol and I'm happy as...........solid reliable, mechanical truck that can be fixed in the bush.......if not by me then by any bush mechanic.

New Disco is very G'hey

Oh yeah and the promo's an advert........what do expect.......them to tell you how it really is???
If your GQ is so good against all the new model 4WD's then you should have entered it! :rofl: Time for a reality check I think!! :D

And have you even seen the promotional CD? Advertising or not the Discovery has got features you wouldn't have even dreamed of. The award is for the most advanced 4WD afterall- not the one that Joe Bloggs is going to find easiest to fix in the middle of nowhere....

It's amazing how everybody was saying EFI was the devil's own when it was first introduced. Now it's hard to find a vehicle without it and (surprisingly enough) all the EFI cars aren't sitting stranded by the side of the roads.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 11:55 am
by fisho64
good call stuee, lets be honest here, we all like to say we want the mechanical fuel injection so we can repair it.
BUT who here really has the knowledge (and the tools more to the point) to dismantle and repair an injector pump, lift pump or injector? Given that its a highly specialized trade in itself, Id say 1% TOPS??
Im a marine engineer, and though we use mainly mechanical due to the older engines and also carry all the parts etc, I would be VERY reluctant to open up my toyota pump, and if you have put yourself in the situation of life or death with only a single vehicle which has broken down, well you'd be a friggin idiot.
Generally, youd only be able to fix the shit that is bolted to the outside of your motor.
EVERY piece of machinery or electronics can fail.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:38 pm
by mabsydney
murcod wrote:
mabsydney wrote:
murcod wrote:Has anyone else seen that promotional CD on the new Discovery? It's a very impressive piece of gear with every possible piece of technology crammed in. Most of that technology is geared towards making it better off road- whether propective owners choose to take it off road is irrelevant to it winning the 4WD award.

Probably a well deserved win IMHO.
Based on my experience of LR electrics it will all break just when you need it most......then you'll be farked in the middle of nowhere witha truck that only works when all it's fancy lecy is working.

I got a 4.2L GQ after guys on here advised me to stay away from the problem ridden 3L patrol and I'm happy as...........solid reliable, mechanical truck that can be fixed in the bush.......if not by me then by any bush mechanic.

New Disco is very G'hey

Oh yeah and the promo's an advert........what do expect.......them to tell you how it really is???
If your GQ is so good against all the new model 4WD's then you should have entered it! :rofl: Time for a reality check I think!! :D

And have you even seen the promotional CD? Advertising or not the Discovery has got features you wouldn't have even dreamed of. The award is for the most advanced 4WD afterall- not the one that Joe Bloggs is going to find easiest to fix in the middle of nowhere....

It's amazing how everybody was saying EFI was the devil's own when it was first introduced. Now it's hard to find a vehicle without it and (surprisingly enough) all the EFI cars aren't sitting stranded by the side of the roads.
Yep I saw the promo CD when LR sent it to me when the DiscoBall first came out.....can't remember if I managed to sit through it all before I filed it in the bin or not.

It's still Gh'ey :)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:01 am
by grimbo
still hasn't my quetion. What are you talking about? 4WD of the Year from who against what. Doesn't mean anything without a few details

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:30 am
by happygutz
I think all those 4bys people pay $80,000+ are awesome..
whenever you pull up beside them in a modified 4by they drag you off
like your some threat to thier ego.

so far Ive been blown away by a cheyenne on the gold coast.. three times. (three sets of lights) and boy he loved to use his brakes

Blown away by a blinged up PRADO

Blown away by a BMW ugly looking thing.. although I think she was worried about me cause she was hot and I couldnt stop looking haha.

and completely left for dead by a porrche 911 turbo...
oh wait we are talkign 4bys.
beats me why this porche thought Id even want to race him.. he would take off like a dog shot in the arse... then Id catch him at the lights..

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:58 am
by -Scott-
grimbo wrote:still hasn't my quetion. What are you talking about? 4WD of the Year from who against what. Doesn't mean anything without a few details
I'm with grimbo here. WTF are you guys on about? :?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:03 pm
by DamTriton
I think their "style" is more directed to the ricer set

Who gives a shit if A can blow away B?????

Wrong forum guys............... :roll: :roll: :roll:

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:01 pm
by fisho64
I think its about people who pay lots for a 4x4 thats looks snazzy, goes fast, and isnt a toyota or nissan must be tossers if they dont put it up the windows in water or mud every weekend, but Im not sure now so dont quote me!!!
hang on I think its about people who pay lots for a 4x4 thats looks snazzy, goes fast, and isnt a toyota or nissan must be tossers if they DO put it up the windows in water or mud every weekend??
Bugger it I dont know, and Ive contributed!? (scratching head now!)

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:49 pm
by Jeeps
I think the point was that it's fun to drive on the beach at DI :armsup:

I have seen a Cayenne off road.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:59 pm
by LuxyBoy
I have seen a Cayenne off road.
Last year i was at Double Island Point and we were fishing when we heared this thunderous hardon creating engine raoring up the beach. I believe the expression was "What the F#@k is that". Was the dual turbo or suspercharger (whichever they run) V8. Upon attempting to make the easy crossing to go into Fresh Water Camp Ground he was belly into it. My make ran out to get his Lux so he could tow him and show him up :) But to our suprise he did get out by himself.
My 2 cents: If i had the money it would be ojn the beach, but not in the bush and rock climbing. When you buy something like that you appreciate it to much. Even my mate bought a new Triton and was so scared of scratching it and sick of getting nowhere; that he sold it and got a Lux.